Paralepistopsis gen. nov. and Paralepista by A. Vizzini & E. Ercole
ISSN (print) 0093-4666 © 2012. Mycotaxon, Ltd. ISSN (online) 2154-8889
Volume 120, pp. 253–267 April–June 2012
Paralepistopsis gen. nov. and Paralepista (Basidiomycota, Agaricales)
Alfredo Vizzini* & Enrico Ercole
Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e Biologia dei Sistemi - Università degli Studi di Torino,Viale Mattioli 25, I-10125, Torino, Italy
*Correspondence to:
Abstract— Paralepistopsis, a new genus in Agaricales, is proposed for the rare toxic species, Clitocybe acromelalga Ichimura (1918) from Asia (Japan and South Korea), and Clitocybe amoenolens from North Africa (Morocco) and southern and southwestern Europe and C. acromelalga from Asia (Japan and South Korea).
Paralepistopsis is distinguished from its allied clitocyboid genera by a Lepista flaccida-like habit, a pileipellis with diverticulate hyphae, small non-lacrymoid basidiospores with a smooth slightly cyanophilous and inamyloid wall, and the presence of toxic acromelic acids.
Combined ITS-LSU sequence analyses place Paralepistopsis close to Cleistocybe and Catathelasma within the tricholomatoid clade. Our phylogenetic analysis further supports Lepista subg. Paralepista (= Lepista sect. Gilva) as an independent clitocyboid evolutionary line.
We recognize the genus Paralepista, for which we propose twelve new combinations.
Key words— Agaricomycetes, erythromelalgia / acromelalgic syndrome, Clitocybe sect. Gilvaoideae, / Catathelasma clade.
The genus Clitocybe (Fr.) Staude traditionally encompassed saprobic agarics that produce fleshy basidiomata with often adnate-decurrent lamellae, convex to funnel-shaped pilei, usually a whitish to pinkish yellow spore print, and smooth non-amyloid basidiospores (Kühner 1980, Singer 1986, Bas 1990, Raithelhuber 1995, 2004).
Recent molecular studies that included a significant number of Clitocybe species (Moncalvo et. al. 2002, Redhead et al. 2002, Matheny et al. 2006, Vizzini et al. 2010 a,b, 2011) have shown that taxa in this traditional genus do not form a monophyletic group but rather a heterogeneous artificial set of disparate and (in many cases) phylogenetically unrelated taxa (the so-called clitocyboid fungi or Clitocybe s.l.).
Clitocybe amoenolens is a rare and rather localized species known thus far only from Morocco, southern France, northern and
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central Spain, and central Italy (Malençon & Bertault 1975, Bon 1987, Poumarat & Neville 1993, Contu et al. 1999, Moreau et al. 2001, Martínez et al. 2010).
It was responsible, first in France (Fourré 1997, Charignon & Garcin 1998, Moreau et al. 2001, Saviuc et al. 2001, 2002) and then in Italy (Leonardi et al. 2002, Marinetti & Recchia 2005), for induced erythromelalgia (= acromelalgic syndrome sensu Saviuc et al. 2001), a poisoning syndrome caused by the ingestion of C. acromelalga in Japan (Nakamura et al. 1987).
This syndrome is characterized by varying degrees of tingling sensations, followed by intense burning pain in the extremities but predominantly in the feet (Saviuc & Danel 2006). Clitocybe amoenolens was confused with edible mushrooms in the Lepista flaccida complex (e.g., L. flaccida (Sowerby) Pat., L. lentiginosa (Fr.) Bresinsky, L. gilva (Pers.) Pat.) and with Infundibulicybe gibba (Pers.) Harmaja (Fourré 1997, Moreau et al. 2001).
Clitocybe amoenolens shows features intermediate between Clitocybe s.s. (smooth spores) and Lepista subg. Paralepista (cream spore-print, spotted pileus, lamellae separable from context, and cyanophilic spores released in tetrads), making its generic position uncertain.
Using recent French and Italian collections of C. amoenolens, we investigated its phylogenetic position within the clitocyboid fungi through morphological and molecular analyses and expanded its known geographic distribution.
Materials & methods
Macromorphological features were described from fresh specimens. Microscopical preparations from dried material were rehydrated in 3% KOH and stained in Congo red, Cresyl Blue, Cotton Blue and Melzer’s reagent.
Basidiospore measurements are based on means of 120 spores from prints (four collections), stained in Melzer’s reagent. The basidia width was measured at the widest part and the length from the apex (sterigmata excluded) to basal septum. The following abbreviations are used in text: L = number of entire lamellae; l = number of lamellulae between each pair of entire lamellae; Q = the quotient of length and width of the spores in side view; Qm = average quotient. Colour terms in capital letters (e.g. Pale Ochraceous-Buff) are those of Ridgway (1912). Herbarium acronyms follow Thiers (2011).
Author citations follow Index Fungorum ( All examined collections are housed at TO. The new genus and new combinations are deposited in MycoBank ( ). DNA extraction, PCR amplification, and DNA sequencing Genomic DNA was isolated from 1 mg of herbarium material (Table 1) using the DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen, Milan Italy) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Universal primers ITS1F/ITS4 were used for the ITS region amplification (White et al. 1990, Gardes & Bruns 1993) and primers LR0R/LR7 for the LSU rDNA amplification (Vilgalys & Hester 1990, Vilgalys lab unpubl.,
DNA extraction, PCR amplification, and DNA sequencing
Genomic DNA was isolated from 1 mg of herbarium material (Table 1) using the DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen, Milan Italy) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Universal primers ITS1F/ITS4 were used for the ITS region amplification (White et al. 1990, Gardes & Bruns 1993) and primers LR0R/LR7 for the LSU rDNA amplification (Vilgalys & Hester 1990, Vilgalys lab unpubl.,
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ITS LSU date, collector
Paralepistopsis amoenolens 1 JQ585653 JQ585654 TO AV2004, FRANCE,
02/09/2011, G. Moretto
Paralepistopsis amoenolens 2 JQ585655 — TO AV2007, ITALY,
Figure 1. Tricholomatoid clade. Bayesian phylogram obtained from the combined ITS-LSU sequence alignment. Support values for clades that are supported in either the Bayesian (Posterior Probabilities values – BPP) or Maximum likelihood (ML Bootstrap percentage – MLB) analyses are indicated. BPP > 0.70 and MLB > 50% are given above branches. Numbers (1, 2) refer to the Paralepistopsis and Paralepista collections reported in Table 1.
GTRGAMMA algorithm for both ITS and LSU to perform a tree inference and search for a good topology. Support values from bootstrapping runs (MLB) were mapped on the globally best tree using the “-f a” option of RAxML and “-x 12345” as a random seed to invoke the novel rapid bootstrapping algorithm. Only BPP values over 0.70 and MLB over 50% are reported in the resulting tree (Fig. 1). Pairwise % identity values of ITS sequences were calculated using MEGA 5.0 (Tamura et al. 2011).
Molecular results
The combined data set comprises a total of 71 taxa (including 66 from GenBank) and is 2412 base pairs long. The ITS and LSU datasets are 796 and 1616 base pairs long, respectively. Topologies of the combined ITS and LSU Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood trees are congruent (Fig. 1). In both analyses the two Clitocybe amoenolens collections (ITS pairwise identity value = 99.9%) clearly cluster with the C. acromelalga collection (BPP 1 and MLB 100%) in the / Catathelasma clade, a monophyletic group
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in the tricholomatoid clade (Matheny et al. 2006, Ammirati et al. 2007). The ITS pairwise identity value between the C. acromelalga and C. amoenolens sequences is 94.4%; accepting an intraspecific variability lower than 3% (Nilsson et al. 2008), C. amoenolens and C. acromelalga should be considered distinct species. Cleistocybe vernalis Ammirati et al. cluster sister to the C. acromelalga / C. amoenolens pair (BPP 0.82);
Catathelasma Lovejoy is basal to this group with low BPP and MLB values. Clitocybe amoenolens and Clitocybe acromelalga have no phylogenetic relationship with other Clitocybe species. Accordingly, we propose to establish for them a new genus, Paralepistopsis. Lepista flaccida and L. gilva are not phylogenetically related to the other Lepista species.
Paralepistopsis Vizzini, gen. nov.
MycoBank MB564340A
Paralepista differt sporis levis, haud subglobosis, atque praesentia acidi acromelalgici qua de causa venenatae species sunt. et in stuctura molecularis (ITS-spatiis internis transcriptis et LSU DNA).
Type species — Clitocybe amoenolens Malençon
Etymology — named in reference to its resemblance to Paralepista species.
Basidiomata agaricoid (with distinct pileus, lamellae and stipe), resembling those of Paralepista gilva, veils absent, spore-print whitish to cream, basidiospores thin-walled, smooth, inamyloid and slightly cyanophilous, pileal surface a cutis of repent to interwoven, cylindrical hyphae, clamp-connections present, no sarcodimitic texture in any part of the basidioma. On the ground, never on wood.
Paralepistopsis amoenolens (Malençon) Vizzini, comb. nov. Fig. 2
MycoBank MB564341
≡ Clitocybe amoenolens Malençon, in Malençon & Bertault, Flore des champignons superieurs du Maroc 2 - Trav. Inst. Sci. Chérifien, Sér. Bot. Biol. Vég. 33: 141 (1975).
Selected descriptions — Malençon & Bertault (1975: 138–141); Moreau et al. (2001: 99–100, 101–103).
Selected iconography — Malençon & Bertault (1975: pl. 8); Poumarat & Neville (1993: 48); Martínez et al. (2010: fig. 2, p. 104).
Pileus (2–)3.5–7(–8) cm diam., fleshy, sub-elastic, hemispherical to convex at first, becoming plano-convex and applanate, finally plano-concave, at times broadly umbonate; margin narrowly inrolled and decurved at first, remaining inrolled for a long time, then expanding to become somewhat wavy, shortly sulcate-striate or corrugated; not hygrophanous, occasionally appearing
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hygrophanous when water soaked; surface slightly viscid when moist, at first entirely whitely pruinose, then pubescent-pruinose only at margin, typically diffracted-scaly near the disc, sometimes corrugated, wrinkled and areolate, later subglabrous often with more or less concentrically arranged watery, drop-like spots, especially near margin (as many Lepista species); at first cream-beige coloured (Capucine Buff, Pale Ochraceous-Salmon, Pale Ochraceous-Buff), then pinkish beige to rusty orange (Ochraceous-Buff, Zinc Orange) towards the centre.
Lamellae crowded to close (L = 40–48(–50), l = (0–)1–2(–3)), thick, interspersed with lamellulae, (2–)3–4(–5) mm broad, decurrent, easily separable from the pileus context, at times intervenose or forked towards the stipe, at first whitish then yellowish ochre (Ivory Yellow, Chamois) to pinkish beige (Pale Ochraceous-Salmon, Pale Ochraceous-Buff); edges even, entire, concolorous.
Stipe (2.5–)3–3.5(–5) cm long, 0.7–1.3 cm thick, short, central or subexcentric, equal or with a somewhat enlarged base, straight or recurved, concolorous with the pileus or slightly paler, minutely white pruinose at apex, glabrous elsewhere, stuffed with white medulla, becoming hollow; the base often with copious whitish tomentum with adhering Pinaceae needles and woody debris.
Context 4–11(–14) mm thick at disc, elastic, white in the pileus, whitish cream (Capucine Buff) in the stipe cortex, unchanging; taste mild, fungoid, subfarinaceous, slightly bitter-farinaceous after long mastication; odour strong, aromatic, floral, reminiscent of Inocybe corydalina, Tricholoma caligatum, Lepista irina, or Entoloma ameides.
Spore print whitish to pale cream (Light Buff, Pale Pinkish Buff).
Basidiospores (3.8–)4.0–5.4(–5.6) × (2.3–)3.2–4.0(–4.3) μm (n = 120), on average 4.8 × 3.4 μm, Q = 1.3–1.7, Qm = 1.42, broadly ellipsoid, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth, slightly cyanophilous, inamyloid, non-dextrinoid, usually with only a single oil drop and a distinct truncated apiculus up to 0.7 μm long, mostly adhering together in tetrads in dried specimens.
Basidia (25–)30–37(–38) × 5–6(–7) μm, cylindro-clavate, usually four-spored, occasionally two-spored, sterigmata up to 5 μm long. Hymenophoral trama regular in young stages, but subirregular in mature basidiomata, consisting of hyaline, elongated, cylindrical hyphae 4–6(–8) μm broad.
Pleurocystidia absent. Lamella edges fertile, with rare, scattered cells, not well differentiated from basidia, 15–45(–60) × 2.5–5(–7) μm, cylindric to subfusiform or sublageniform, often curved and flexuous, sometimes forked at apex, hyaline, thin-walled.
Pileipellis duplex: upper layer (suprapellis) a soon disappearing, slightly gelatinous thin cutis (10–30 μm thick), of cylindrical hyphae, 1–3 μm broad; lower layer (subpellis) (150–350 μm thick) composed of densely arranged parallel to slightly interwoven hyphae (4–6 μm in diam.), terminal elements scattered, erect and repent cylindrical to fusiform-lageniform, sometimes with short lateral outgrowths. Pileitrama consisting of cylindrical or slightly
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inflated, smooth hyphae, (4–)5–9(–12) μm broad, irregularly arranged, and with aeriferous lacunae.
Stipitipellis a cutis consisting of hyphae 3–4 μm broad; towards the stipe apex with numerous thin-walled, flexuous, cylindrical to subfusiform caulocystidioid elements, 20–35 × 3–6 μm. Stipititrama formed by hyphae 6–7 μm broad. Thromboplerous hyphae (= oleiferous hyphae sensu Clémençon 2004) present especially in subpellis, pileus and hymenophoral trama. Pigment (yellowish) usually parietal and intracellular (cytoplasmatic) in the pileipellis; sometimes minutely incrusting or forming extracellular masses and granules. Clamp connections present at nearly all septa.
Habitat & distribution: scattered, gregarious, occasionally subcaespitose on pinaceous needle-beds and debris, often together with Lepista flaccida, on calcareous soil.
Autumn. Very rare; known only from Morocco, France, Spain, and Italy.
Material studied: FRANCE, Savoie, Haute-Maurienne valley, Lanslebourg-Mont-Cenis, 02 Sept 2011, litter of Picea abies,1400 m asl, leg. G. Moretto (TO AV2004); 14 Oct 2011, leg. G. Moretto (TO AV2005).– ITALY, Piedmont, High Susa Valley, Salbertrand, Parco Naturale del Gran Bosco di Salbertrand, 20 Oct 2011, litter of Picea abies, 1500 m asl, leg. A. Vizzini (TO AV2006); Sauze d’Oulx, Parco Naturale del Gran Bosco di Salbertrand, 12 Nov 2011, litter of Larix decidua, 1550 m asl, leg. S. Anselmino (TO AV2007).
Clitocybe amoenolens was originally described from Morocco, in the Middle Atlas, growing among Cedrus atlantica litter in a high-altitude cedar forest (1600–1700 m a.s.l.) mixed with Ilex aquifolium and Quercus ilex, on calcareous soil (Malençon & Bertault 1975).
It has recently been found in southern France (Bon 1987, Poumarat & Neville 1993) and in the Maurienne Valley (Charignon & Garcin 1998, Fourré 1997) in coniferous forests (Pinus sylvestris, Larix decidua, Picea abies) and always on calcareous soil.
Clitocybe amoenolens has been responsible for several acromelalgic-type poisonings in the Maurienne Valley (Savoie, France) (Moreau et al. 2001, Saviuc & Danel 2006). It also has been found in the Abruzzi region (Centre Italy) under Pinus nigra (Contu et al. 1999), P. nigra, and Cedrus spp. (Leonardi et al. 2002) and P. nigra and Larix decidua (Leonardi & Maggi 2007), and poisoning cases referable to C. amoenolens have been recognised in this region (Leonardi et al. 2002, Marinetti & Recchia 2005).
Finally, the species has been reported from Spain (Martínez et al. 2010), where it was collected in the autonomous regions of La Rioja (Picea abies) and Castilla-La Mancha (Pinus pinaster and Cupressus arizonica or P. nigra and Quercus petraea), close to the north and centre of Spain, respectively. Our collections are the first record from northern Italy. According to our observations and bibliographic data, this species seems strictly restricted to Pinaceae in higher altitude thermophilic forests on calcareous soils.
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Paralepistopsis acromelalga (Ichimura)Vizzini, comb. nov., MycoBank MB564342
≡ Clitocybe acromelalga Ichimura, Bot. Gaz. (Tokyo) 65: 110 (1918).
Selected descriptions — Ichimura (1918: 110); Moreau et al. (2001: 109–111).
Selected iconography — Guez (2010: ( ).
Habitat & distribution: Clitocybe acromelalga, described from Japan (Ichimura 1918, Imazeki & Hongo 1957, Imazeki et al. 1988; Romagnesi 1989, Guez 1990), also occurs in South Korea (Lee & Hong 1985). It was reported as growing on both angiosperm (Phyllostachys bambusoides, Acer palmatum, Zelkova serrata) and gymnosperm (Cryptomeria japonica) litter.
Phylogeny and specific delimitation
In our combined ITS-LSU phylogenetic tree (Fig. 1) Clitocybe acromelalga and its sister C. amoenolens are not closely related to C. nebularis (Batsch) P. Kumm., the type of the genus Clitocybe (Redhead et al. 2002), nor to other Clitocybe species or allied taxa. As these two species represent a new phyletic line of clitocyboid fungi, it seems most appropriate to transfer them to the new genus Paralepistopsis.
Based on its habit, coloured lamellae and small spores, Bon (1997)* and Moreau et al. (2001) placed C. amoenolens traditionally in subg. Clitocybe sect. Gilvaoideae Harmaja, where it occupies an isolated position. Contu et al. (1999), focusing on hymenial features (basidia longer than 30 μm), placed it in subgen. Hygroclitocybe Bon sect. Clavipedes Harmaja, a subgenus shown in recent molecular analyses (Redhead et al. 2002, Vizzini et al. 2011) to be artificial and heterogeneous.
The traditionally defined Lepista (Fr.) W.G. Sm. —clitocyboid fungi with a pinkish yellow spore print, usually separable lamellae, and inamyloid cyanophilous ornamented [verruculose to spiny] basidiospores (Singer 1986, Bon 1997, Consiglio & Contu 2003)— is a polyphyletic genus (Fig. 1).
The species of Lepista subg. Paralepista (= Lepista sect. Gilva), which combine very crowded decurrent lamellae with subglobose to largely ellipsoidal spores, are not closely related either to Lepista s.s. or to other taxa in the tricholomatoid clade.
Consequently we accept this lineage as a distinct genus and propose Paralepista for Lepista flaccida, L. gilva and allies.
Following Bigelow (1985), Bon (1991), and Raithelhuber (2004), we list below all the taxa accepted in Paralepista :
Paralepista Raithelh., Gattung Clitocybe 1: 17 (1981).
Type species — Agaricus inversus Scop.
≡ Lepista subg. Paralepista (Raitelh.) Bon, Doc. Mycol. 26(102): 18 (1996).
= Clitocybe sect. Eulepistae Singer, Ann. Mycol. 41: 40 (1943).
- Paralepista Raithelh., Gattung Clitocybe 1: 17 (1981).
= Lepista sect. Gilva Harmaja, Karstenia 18: 53 (1978). “ Lepista sect. Eulepista ” Konrad 6 & Maubl., Icon. Select. Fung. 6(10): 350 (1936), nom. inval.“ Lepista sect. Inversae ” Singer & Clémençon, Nova Hedwigia 23: 310 (1973 [“1972”]), nom. inval.
- Paralepista abdita (Dörfelt)Vizzini,comb. nov., MycoBank MB564343
≡ Lepista abdita Dörfelt, Boletus 1(2): 37 (1997).
- Paralepista ameliae (Arcang.)Vizzini, comb. nov., MycoBank MB 564344
≡ Clitocybe spinulosa var. ameliae Arcang., Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 21: 434 (1889).
- Paralepista biformis (Peck)Vizzini, comb. nov. , MycoBank MB 564345
≡ Clitocybe biformis Peck, Bull. N.Y. St. Mus. 150: 25 (1911).
- Paralepista concentrica Raithelh., Metrodiana 23: 122 (1996).
- Paralepista femoralis (H.E. Bigelow) Vizzini, comb. nov., MycoBank MB 564346
≡ Clitocybe femoralis H.E. Bigelow, Sydowia 36: 14 (1983).
- Paralepista flaccida (Sowerby) Vizzini, comb. nov., MycoBank MB 564347
≡ Agaricus flaccidus Sowerby, Col. Fig. Engl. Fungi 2: pl. 185 (1799).
- Paralepista flaccida var. fibrillosa (Malençon) Vizzini, comb. nov., MycoBank MB 564348
≡ Clitocybe flaccida var. fibrillosa Malençon, in Malençon & Bertault, Flore des champignons superieurs du Maroc 2 - Trav. Inst. Sci. Chérifien, Sér. Bot. Biol. Vég. 33: 157 (1975).
- Paralepista gilva (Pers.) Vizzini, comb. nov., MycoBank MB 564349
≡ Agaricus gilvus Pers., Syn. Meth. Fung.: 448 (1801).“ Paralepista gilva ” Raithelh., Metrodiana 23: 117 1996), nom. inval.
- Paralepista inversa (Scop.) Raithelh., Gattung Clitocybe 1: 17 (1981).
≡ Agaricus inversus Scop., Fl. Carniol., Ed. 2, 2: 445 (1772).
- Paralepista lentiginosa (Fr.) Vizzini, comb. nov., MycoBank MB 564350
≡ Agaricus lentiginosus Fr., Epicr. Syst. Mycol.: 69 (1838).
- Paralepista maculosa (Sacc.) Vizzini, comb. nov., MycoBank MB 564352
≡ Agaricus maculosus Peck, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 1: 45 (1873), nom. illegit., non Pers. (1801).
≡ Clitocybe maculosa Sacc., Syll. Fung. 5: 183 (1887).
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- Paralepista pseudoparilis (Enderle & Contu) Vizzini, comb. nov. MycoBank MB 564353
≡ Lepista pseudoparilis Enderle & Contu, Beitr. Kenn. Pilze Mittel. 13: 12 (2000).
- Paralepista repanda (Raithelh.) Raithelh., Metrodiana 23: 121 (1996).
≡ Lepista repanda Raithelh., Metrodiana 14: 21 (1986 [“1985”]).
- Paralepista shafferi (H.E. Bigelow) Vizzini, comb. nov., MycoBank MB 564354
≡ Clitocybe shafferi H.E. Bigelow, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 81: 339 (1985).
- Paralepista splendens (Pers.) Vizzini, comb. nov., MycoBank MB 564355
≡ Agaricus splendens Pers., Syn. Meth. Fung.: 452 (1801).
Paralepistopsis species are characterized by a habit (decurrent and crowded lamellae) and colours (ochre-orange tinges) reminiscent of Paralepista or Infundibulicybe Harmaja, a whitish to cream spore print, smooth cyanophilic spores often arranged in tetrads in dried specimens and rarely exceeding 5(–6) μm in length.
Paralepista differs in having strongly ornamented spores (Raithelhuber 1995, 2004); Infundibulicybe is distinguishedby smooth lacrymoid spores with confluent bases and cyanophobic spore walls (Harmaja 2003).
Paralepistopsis clusters with Cleistocybe Amirati et al. and Catathelasma in the / catathelasma clade. Because of the low resolution and lack of BPP and MLB support within the tree, a more precise, accurate position for the new genus could not be suggested. The presence of decurrent lamellae, confluent pileus and stipe, pale reddish brown colouration, and growth on soil are characters shared by Paralepistopsis, Cleistocybe, and Catathelasma.
Cleistocybe and Catathelasma are distinguished from Paralepistopsis mainly by a partial veil, divergent to interwoven hymenophoral trama, and larger cyanophobic spores (Ammirati et al. 2007, Vizzini 2009); in addition Catathelasma spores are amyloid (Singer 1986). Paralepistopsis amoenolens is delimited by a unique combination of macro-/micromorphological and chemical features, such as i) a strong aromatic, floral odour reminiscent of Tricholoma caligatum, Inocybe corydalina, Lepista irina, and Entoloma ameides caused by volatile metabolites identified by Fons et al. (2006) as methyl-(E)-cinnamate (also a key odorant of T. caligatum), methyl-benzoate, (E)-nerolidol, and methylanthranilate; ii) lamellae easily separating from the pileus context; iii) a cream coloured spore print; iv) smooth cyanophilic spores often arranged in tetrads; v) basidia reaching 35–40 μm; vi) pileipellis hyphae with short diverticula; vii) abundant thromboplerous hyphae; viii) and the presence of the toxic metabolite, acromelic acid A, a powerful neurotoxic
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amino acid responsible for erythromelalgic poisoning and structurally homologous with kainic acid (a strong agonist of non-N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptor subtypes) and domoic acid (Bessard et al. 2004).
Paralepistopsis acromelalga differs from P. amoenolens morphologically in a darker pileus and stipe, a pileus that soon becomes depressed, more crowded lamellae, a different odour, thromboplerous hyphae occurring only rarely, smaller spores (Ichimura 1918, Romagnesi 1989, Guez 1990, Miyauchi 1998, Moreau et al. 2001), and a more complex metabolite pattern (presence of acromelic acids A–E with 19 other toxins; Konno et al. 1983, 1988; Fushiya et al. 1990, 1992; Saviuc & Danel 2006). Additionally, our analyses show only a 91% pairwise ITS sequence identity between P. acromelalga and P. amoenolens.
Singer (1986) transferred P. acromelalga to the heterogeneous genus Neoclitocybe Singer based on the presence of rare diverticulate hyphae in the pileipellis. Based on their small spores and the Paralepista-like habit, C.gilvaoides Kauffman and C. gracilis (H.E. Bigelow & A.H. Sm.) Harmaja (sect. Gilvaoideae) from the coniferous forests of North America and Scandinavia (Bigelow 1985, Harmaja 1969) may also belong to Paralepistopsis, but more recently collected specimens are needed to perform molecular and biochemical analyses.
We would like to thank Vladimír Antonín (Moravian Museum, Brno, Czech Republic), Joe Ammirati (University of Washington, Seattle, USA), and Shaun Pennycook (Auckland, New Zealand) for their pre-submission reviews. Our most sincere thanks are due to Marco Contu (Olbia, Italy) for helpful suggestions and comments.
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in Bon 1983 (DM XIII 51 :14) Section Gilvoideae (Harm.)Big : Spores non lacrymoïdes, odeur faible à farineuse ou fruitée. Pigment mixte ou peu incrustant.