2 mai 2020
Amanite squameuse jaunissante (キウロコテングタケ)
Amanita alboflavescens Hongo (1970)
キウロコテングタケ East Asian Yellow-Staining Lepidella
- Basidiomycota / Agaricomycetes / Agaricales / Amanitaceae
Amanita alboflavescens Hongo (1970) , Memoirs of the Faculty of liberal arts and education, Shiga University natural science, 20, p. 50 (Basionyme)
- Chapeau
- Couleur : Blanc, Brun, Crème, Jaune, Orange
- Surface : Aspérités
- Réaction jaune au KOH : positive
- Marge non striée
- Description : 4 - 6,5 cm, convexe puis plan; sec, furfuracé, blanc puis jaunissant, recouvert de fragments de volves floconneux-membraneux, en plaques concolores et également jaunissants; marge non striée, appendiculée de restes de voile.
- Lames libres ou subdécurrentes par la dent, assez espacées à assez serrées, 5-7 mm de large, blanc crème si intactes, inégales par des lamellules tronquées; arête finement poudrée.
- Chair d'épaisseur moyenne, blanche, jaunissant à la coupe et au froissement, comme toutes les autres parties, d'un jaune chrome allant jusqu'au brun orangé; saveur douce, odeur fruitée agréable.
- Stipe
- Couleur : Blanc, Crème, Jaune, Orange
- Surface : Aspérités
- Anneau : Oui
- Volve : Oui ou Non
- Description : Pied solide, 4-7 x 0,7-1 cm, épaissi à la base bulbeuse obovale ou fusiforme-radicant (18-23 mm), floconneux-squamuleux au dessous de l'anneau, pruineux au sommet, blanc puis jaunissant. Anneau supère, plutôt épais, floconneux-membraneux, striolé en dessus, friable, blanc puis jaunissant. Volve fugace, mais laissant souvent quelques lambeaux en haut du bulbe.
- Comestibilité non documentée.
- Références bibliographiques :
- Confusions possibles : Amanita subsolitaria qui possède des hyphes bouclées.
- Commentaires : décrite du Japon par Hongo en 1970, ce taxon n'a pas pu être traité dans l'étude des Lepidella de Bas (1969).
Article information Received 31 March 2008, Accepted 1 May 2008, Published online 30 September 2008*Corresponding author: Rodham E. Tulloss; e-mail: ret@eticomm.netIntroductionThe forests in northern Thailand have a high diversity of Agaricales (Nuytinck et al., 2006; Le et al., 2007a,b), but knowledge of species in the genus Amanita Pers., many of which are ectomycorrhizal with forest trees, is limited; and only a few species have been reported from Thailand in the literature (Heim, 1962; Høiland and Schumacher, 1982; Chansri-kul et al., 1984; Soytong, 1994; Rachabun-ditayasathan, 1996; Chansrikul, 1998; Ruksawong and Flegel, 2001). Two taxa covered in this paper were originally described from Thailand :A. pudibunda and A. siamensis. The presence of two previously reported taxa is confirmed : A. princeps and A. sculpta. Three previously reported taxa (A. angustilamellata, A. mira and A. hemibapha) may be present and are phenetically similar to taxa that were collected and revised in prepration of this paper.Materials and methodsFor four years (1999-2002), Amanita taxa growing in forests dominated by members of the Dipterocarpaceae, Fagaceae, or Pinaceaewere surveyed during the rainy season in five provinces (Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Nakhon Panom, Phayao, and Sakhon Nakhon) of northern and northeastern Thailand. Colour names were coded according to Petersen (1996). Basidiocarps were placed in size categories following Bas (1969). Microscopic data is presented in the format of Yang (1997), for the most part. The specimens of Thai collectors were deposited in the fungal herba-rium of the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University (CMU). Throughout this paper, when stipe length is given and length of the stipe’s bulb is not, it should be assumed that bulb length is included in stipe length.Additional material collected by, or communicated to, Roger Heim (deposited in PC) and collected by David Arora (deposited in SFSU and the private herbarium of Tulloss) was reviewed and is reported using the same format, with the exception of the type study of98A. pudibunda, which was carried out according to the methods of, and is reported using the notation of, Tulloss et al. (1992) as amended by Tulloss (1993, 1994, 1998b, 2000) and restated by Tulloss and Lindgren (2005). Format of the type study conforms to that of Tulloss (1994) in order to maintain Tulloss’ type studies in a constant format for purposes of comparison.Words describing spore shapes are used according to the definitions of Bas (1969): A spore is ‘globose’ if its length/width ratio (Q) falls between 1 and 1.05; ‘subglobose’ if its Q falls between 1.05 and 1.15; ‘broadly ellipsoid’ if its Q falls between 1.15 and 1.3; ‘ellipsoid’ if its Q falls between 1.30 and 1.6; ‘elongate’ if its Q falls between 1.6 and 2; ‘cylindric’ if its Q falls between 2 and 3; and ‘bacilliform’ if its Q falls above 3.Biometric variables used in Tulloss’ type study are defined most recently in (Tulloss and Lindgren, 2005) and on the Amanita Studies web site (Tulloss, 2007b). The letter ‘R’ represents the length of a pileus radius. Unless otherwise stated, determinations of material were based on: (1) protologs; (2) monographs or monographic-style works of Corner and Bas (1962), Bas (1969), Yang (1997), and Tulloss et al. (2001); and (3)additional keys such as Tulloss (2007a).National Park names are abbreviated as follows: DLNP (Doi Luang National Park), DSPNP (Doi Suthep-Pui National Park), and KCNP (Khun Chae National Park). Herbarium codes follow Holmgren, Holmgren and Barnett (1992) with the exception of the following :HKAS—Herbarium of Cryptograms, Kunming Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica, Kunming,Yunnan Province, China. RET—personal herbarium of Tulloss. Abbreviations in author citations follow Kirk and Ansell (1992) with the exception of ‘E.-J. Gilbert’, in which case we use the author’s initials in the order in which they appear on the vast majority of his publications including his magnum opus (Gilbert, 1940-41).Names used for supraspecific taxa in Amanita follow Corner and Bas (1962) and Bas (1969) as modified by Yang (1997).We take this opportunity to emphasize the importance of including modern Asian sources when researching Amanita in Asia. An over-emphasis on European and North American literature has led unavoidably to misdetermination of endemic taxa. This tendency should become a thing of the past. We strongly recommend (Yang, 1997) and other works of Yang and his co-authors as models for modern, Asian, mycological work in the genus Amanita.The encounter with an unfamiliar Amanita should lead to its being worked up as if it were an undescribed taxon. The chances are that it will be endemic and, often, new to science.ResultsOrganized by section, the species now recognized for northern Thailand are as follows—with newly reported taxa marked by an asterisk (*):Amanita [subg. Amanita] sect. AmanitaA. affin. miraA. obsita*A. rubrovolvata*A. siamensisA. sinensis*A. subglobosa*Amanita sect. Caesareae A. chepangiana*A. hemibapha sensu latoA. princepsAmanita sect. Vaginatae A. affin. angustilamellataA. ovalispora*A. pudibundaAmanita [subg. Lepidella]sect. AmidellaA. avellaneosquamosa*A. clarisquamosa*Amanita sect. Lepidella A. alboflavescens*A. hongoi*A. japonica*A. sculptaA. virgineoides*Amanita sect. Phalloideae A. fuliginea*A. manginiana sensu W.F. Chiu*A. pseudoporphyria*Amanita sect. Validae A. flavipes sensu lato*A. fritillaria*A. sinocitrina*There are strong climatic and vegetational links between the Thai region of study and other upland regions of southern and eastern Asia. With the exception of A. pudibunda and the recently described A. siamensis, the species in this list were originally described from Japan, China, Indonesia, peninsular Malaya, Nepal, and Singapore. The habitats from which these species were described include the same families of mycorrhizal trees associated with the species in Thailand (e.g., Tulloss and Bhandary, 1992; Yang, 1997; Bhatt et al., 2003). In the cited countries combined, thereare approximately 125 named taxa of Amanita99known at this writing (Yang, 1997, 2005; Tulloss, 2005). Therefore, it seems very likely that some previously described Amanita taxa would be found in northern Thailand.We expect that additional undescribed Amanita taxa will be found in the region ofstudy. For example, given the size of Amanitasect. Vaginatae regionally (Yang, 1997; Tulloss,2005) and worldwide (Tulloss and Yang, 2007a), it is unlikely that the count of taxa for northernThailand in that section will remain as low as three species in the face of continued exploration and study of herbarium material.Not surprisingly, given the close geographic proximity, 84% of Amanita taxa recorded for northern Thailand also occur in southern and southwestern China (Yang, 1997; Yang etal., 2000; Yang et al., 2001). However, in China there appears to be much greater diversity ofAmanita than in northern Thailand, probably due to the more diverse vegetational types especially at higher elevations.All members of Amanita play an important role in forest ecology in northern Thailand, due to mycorrhizal associations with trees. In this regard, more taxa are reported herein from possible association with taxa of Fagaceae (22 or 88% of reported taxa) than with taxa of Dipterocarpaceae (10 or 40%). Only 5 reported taxa (20%) are known from possible association with a member of the Pinaceae. In the regionof study, mixed Fagaceae/Pinaceae forests at higher elevations and dry Dipterocarpaceae forests at lower elevations require more extensive collecting in the future; and their Amanita taxa should be compared with collections from other areas of southeast Asia.A number of the available collections were not in a good state of preservation or for another reason bore atypical spores. Throughout the paper, we provide spore measurements from other sources in the ‘Notes’ sections of our descriptions in order to provide additional support for future workers in southeast Asia.Key to known Amanita species of northern Thailand1. Basidiospores amyloid (Amanita subg. Lepidella)............................................................................................21. Basidiospores inamyloid (Amanita subg. Amanita).........................................................................................142. Margin of pileus short striate, appendiculate at first; stipe base bearing thick, membranous, saccate volva with distinct layers (three to five) ranging from floccose to farinose adjacent to pileipellis to membraneous on exterior (Amanita sect. Amidella).... 32. Margin of pileus non-striate, appendiculate only in sect. Lepidella; universal veil friable, submembranous,or membranous, sometimes limbate, but never saccate ..................................................................................... 43. Pileus whitish sometimes covered only with cream to yellowish brown farinose to floccose patches representing the lower level of the universal veil, when upper layers are present they may be fibrillose (browning on exposure) or membranous (white to sordid); basidiospores (8.5-)9-11(-12) × (4.5-)5-6.5(-7) µm, with Q = (1.35-)1.5-1.88(-2.5) ...................... A. avellaneosquamosa3. Pileus whitish, with volval remnants brown or brownish, patchy, fibrillose, rarely with membranous universal veil outer layer present; basidiospores (10-)11-12.5(-16) × (7-)7.5-8 (11) µm, with Q = (1.15-)1.44-1.63(-2.07)..................... A. clarisquamosa4. Margin of pileus appendiculate (Amanita sect.Lepidella)............................... 54. Margin of pileus non-appendiculate...........................95. Volval remnants on pileus floccose to squamulose; context of basidiocarp white, becoming yellow to lemon-chrome when cut; basidiospores 8-10.5(-11) × 5-6(-6.5) µm, with Q = 1.47-1.78(-2) .............................. A. alboflavescens5. Volval remnants on pileus as conic to subconic warts; context of basidiocarp not becoming yellow or lemon-chrome when cut; basidiospores differing in range of size or range of Q........................................................ 66. Pileus reddish brown with chocolate coloured conic volval remnants; lamellae white when young, turning pinkish to violet when mature; context white, turning pinkish to purplish when cut; basidiospores (8-)9-11(- 11.5) × (8-)9-10.5(-11) µm, with Q = 1-1.04(-1.08) ..........A. sculpta6. Pileus and volval remnants not so deeply pigmented; lamellae white to cream, unchanging; context white, unchanging; basidiospores differing in range of size or range of Q ..................................77. Pileus white to brownish, with brown or pinkish brown volval remnants; basidiospores 7-9(-10) × (5.5-)6.5-7(-8) µm, with Q = (1.06-)1.12-1.25(-1.36); basal septa of basidia lacking clamps..........................................A. hongoi7. Pileus grey to greyish or white, with similarly coloured volval remains; 95% of basidiospores having Q exceeding 1.25; basal septa of basidia often bearing clamps .................................... 81008. Pileus and universal veil grey or greyish; basal bulb of stipe slender, radicating; basidiospores 8-9(-11.5) × (4.5-)5.5-6.5(-7.5) µm, with Q = 1.34-1.64(-2).............................................................A. japonica8. Pileus and universal veil white; basal bulb of stipe not slender, not radicating; basidiospores (7.5-)8-9 × (5-)6-7 µm, with Q = (1.11-)1.25-1.47(-1.69) ...................................A. virgineoides9. Volval remnants limbate, membranous, mostly present on basal bulb of stipe (Amanita sect. Phalloideae)..............................109. Volval remnants floccose, subconic or granular, or patch-like, mostly present on pileus (Amanita sect.Validae)10. Pileus dark brown to blackish over umbo, paler toward margin; annulus grey, persistent; basidiospores 7-8.5(-10) × (6.5-)7-8(-9.5) µm, with Q = 1-1.06 (- 1.11)...........................................................A. fuliginea10. Pileus differently coloured; annulus not grey, although sometimes sordid white; basidiospores globose to elongate. ......1111. Pileus pallidly sordid to grey; annulus white, persistent; basidiospores (5-)7-8(-) × (4-)5-6(-7) µm, with Q = 27-1.71(-1.89).....A. pseudoporphyria11. Pileus greyish brown; annulus white to sordid white, fragile; basidiospores (5.5-)6-7 × 5-6(-) µm, with Q = 1-1.20(-.50)...............A. manginiana sensu W.F. Chiu12. Stipe with marginate bulbous base; basidiospores (6.5-)7-8(-9) × 6.5-7.5(-8.5) µm, with Q = 1-1.06 (-1.1) .............A. sinocitrina12. Stipe without marginate basal bulb; 95% of basidiospores having Q equal to or greater than 1.06..................1313. Pileus olivaceous buff to honey-yellow, paler toward margin, decorated with yellow floccose to patch-like volval remnants; basidiospores (6.5-)7-8(-9) × (5-)5.5-7(-8) µm, with Q = 1.06-1.38(-1.47) .............................A. flavipes sensu lato13. Pileus greyish brown (sometimes distinctly paler at margin) covered with dark brown to fuscous volval remnants as powder or small warts; volval remnants on upper surface of stipe bulb powdery in broken rings; basidiospores (6.5-)7-9(-10) × (5-)5.5-7(-8.5) µm, with Q = 1.06-1.43(-1.56) .................A. fritillaria14. Basidiocarps developing eccentrically in primordium; hence, stipe usually with bulbous base (Amanita sect. Amanita) .....1514. Basidiocarps developing centrally in primordium; stipe totally elongating and, hence, without bulbous base..........................2015. Basidial clamps absent or infrequent; basidiocarps often small to medium-sized.....................................1615. Basidial clamps present and common; basidiocarps usually medium-sized to large; occasionally small .......916. Annulus present (at least until broken by expanding pileus)........................................................................ 1716. Annulus lacking from prior to expansion of basidiocarp............................................................................1817. Pileus reddish orange, paler toward margin; volval remnants red to orange to yellow; basidiospores (6.5-)7-8(-9) × (6.5-)7-8(-8.5) µm, with Q = 1-1.06(-.24).................................................................A. rubrovolvata17. Pileus greenish yellow to olivaceous buff, volvalr remnants cinnamon buff; basidiospores (9-) 9.5-11.5(-3) × (5-) 5.5-7 (-8) µm, with Q = (1.38-) 1.53 -1.88 (93).................................................... A. siamensis18. Pileus greyish brown, paler toward margin, volval remnants farinose; upper part of bulbous base covered with greyish brown, farinose volval remnants; basidiospores (5.5-)6.5-7 × 5.5-6.5(-7) µm, with Q =1 - 1.07(-1.14)...................................................A. obsita18. Pileus cinnamon buff with yellowish pyramidal warts; upper part of bulbous base with scattered yellow volval remnants; basidiospores (7-) 8-9 × 7-8 (-9) µm, with Q = 1-1.05 (-22)..................A. affin. mira19. Volval remnants on pileus dirty white to cream; pileus brownish to tea-brown, darker over disc; upper part of bulb on stipe base covered with whitish floccose volval remnants; basidiospores (7.5-) 8-10(-11) × (6.5-) 7-8.5 (-9) µm, with Q = (1.05-) 1.1-1.32 (-1.33) ..........A. subglobosa19. Volval remnants on pileus dark grey; pileus brownish grey; upper part of bulb and stipe base covered with grey floccose volval remnants; basidiospores 9.5-12.5 (-13.5) × 7-9(-5) µm, with Q = (1.22-) 1.27-1.50 (-.56) .............................................................. A. sinensis20. Membranous annulus present; clamps present and common (Amanita sect. Caesareae)........................ 2120. Annulus lacking; clamps usually rare or absent (Amanita sect. Vaginatae) ....................................... 2321. Pileus bearing bright colours such as yellow, orange or red over disc, paler or differently coloured toward margin; annulus some shade of yellow, orange or red; stipe bearing yellow, orange or red fibrils or patches; basidiospores (7.5-) 8-11 (-13.5) × (5.5-) 6-7 (-9) µm, with Q = (1.16-) 1.31-1.5 (-1.81) ....................................... A. hemibapha sensu lato21. Pileus lacking orange, red or yellow regions (or with minimal pigmentation only over disc); basidiospores with lower Q values.........2322. Pileus dominantly white; basidiospores 9-11(-13) × (7-)8-10.5(-1) µm, with Q = (1-) 1.04-1.2 (-1.33) .................A. chepangiana22. Pileus brownish over disc, paler toward margin; basidiospores (9-) 9.5-11 (-13) × 9-11(-13) µm, with Q = 1-1.08 (-.22)................. A. princeps23. Pileus white, bearing a layer of plentiful remains from inner surface of volva; basidiospores (6.5-) 6.8-10.4(-10.5) × (5.1-) 5.2-7.4 (-7.9) µm, with Q = (1.25-) 1.27-1.65 (-1.74).................................... A. pudibunda10123. Pileus greyish brown to ash-grey, not bearing such volval remains; basidiospores have 95% of Q values less than 1.38....................2424. Pileus greyish brown; basidiospores (9-)9.5-11(-12)× (8-)9-11(-11.5) µm, with Q = 1-1.04(-1.14) ...................... A. affin. angustilamellata24. Pileus ash-grey; basidiospores (8-)9-10.5(-13.5) × (6-)7-9(-10) µm, with Q = (1.09-)1.15-1.37(-1.7) .................................A. ovalisporaAmanita [subgenus Amanita] section Amanita affin. mira Corner & Bas, Persoonia 2: 290 (1962).Basidiocarps small. Pileus 4-5 cm wide,cinnamon-buff, paler toward margin, plane with depressed centre, with margin striate (approx. 0.5R), non-appendiculate, with volval remnants as yellowish pyramidal warts (ca. 1 × 1 mm). Lamellae free, subcrowded, white to whitish,thin; lamellulae truncate. Stipe 6.5-8 × 0.5-0.6 cm, cream, tapering upward, with apex slightly expanded, hollow, with 1.3 cm wide solidsubbulbous base, with yellow warts on upper surface of bulb; context white to whitish. Exannulate.Basidia 28-35 × 7-13 µm, clavate, 4-spored; sterigmata 2.5-4.5 µm long; basal septa without clamps. Basidiospores [32/1/1] (7-)8-9× 7-8(-9) µm [Q = 1-1.05(-1.22), Q = 1.05 ± 0.05], globose to subglobose, rarely broadly ellipsoid, inamyloid, colourless, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth, with contents guttulate.Habitat: Solitary on ground in forest of Fagaceae.Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang MaiProv., DSPNP-Huay Kog Ma, 28 September 1999, R.Sanmee (CMU ecmu0016).Notes: While this species seems similar to A. mira, it differs in pigment of the pileus and stipe and in having larger spores than havebeen reported for that species (Corner and Bas, 1962; Yang, 1997). In particular, Corner and Bas describe the species as having a pileus thatis orange or red-orange over the disc with a gradual transition toward a more yellowish pigmentation on the margin. In age, the pileus darkens considerably according to the protolog, becoming ‘dingy fuliginous olive or bistre from the centre outward’. It is probable that ecmu0016 is a specimen of an undescribed species, which requires further collecting and study.The most recent detailed treatment of A. mira is by Yang (1997). The true A. mira is known from Singapore and southwesternChina.Amanita obsita Corner & Bas, Persoonia 2: 292 (1962).Basidiocarps very small to small. Pileus 2.5-3 cm wide, convex to plane, concave, greyish brown, darker over disc, paler toward striate (0.4-0.5R) margin, non-appendiculate, slightly depressed in centre, with volval remnants farinose. Lamellae white, free, subcrowded, 0.3-0.4 cm broad; lamellulae truncate. Stipe 2.5-3× 0.2-0.3 cm, brownish, equal, apex slightly expanded, subbulbous at base, with bulb 0.4-0.5 cm wide and with upper part decorated with greyish brown farinose material in few irregular rings; context white. Exannulate.Basidia 28-34 × 8-10 µm, clavate, 4-spored; sterigmata 3-5.5 µm long; basal septa without clamps. Basidiospores [30/1/1] (5.5- )6.5-7 × 5.5-6.5(-7) µm [Q = 1-1.07(-1.14), Q = 1.05 ± 0.05], globose to subglobose, inamyloid, colourless, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth, with contents guttulate.Habitat: Solitary on ground in forest dominated by Shorea.Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang RaiProv., Ban Mae Sard, 11 July 1999, R. Sanmee, S. & P. Lumyong, B. Dell (CMU e0162).Notes: The material cited from Ban Mae Sard is a rather good match to the protolog of the present species. Amanita farinosa Schwein.is somewhat similar to Amanita obsita; however, the former has a brownish grey pileus and slightly larger, broadly ellipsoid spores(Corner and Bas, 1962; Tulloss et al., 1995; Yang, 1997; Yang, 2000; Tulloss, 2007c). For comparative purposes, spore measurementsfrom the protolog are provided: 5.8-6.7 × 5.2-6.1 µm (in preserved material) and 6.5-7.5(-8)× 6-7(-7.5) µm (in fresh material). Previous tothis report, A. obsita was known from Singapore (protolog).Amanita rubrovolvata S. Imai, Botanical Magazine (Tokyo) 53: 392 (1939).Basidiocarps small. Pileus 2.2-4.2 cm wide, convex, plano-convex to plane, reddish orange over disc, paler (straw-yellow to yellow)toward margin, densely covered with reddish orange floccose volval remnants, with volval remnants also sometimes as floccose patches,with margin striate (approx. 0.5 R) and non-102appendiculate. Lamellae free, white to whitish, crowded; lamellulae truncate, approximately, 17/cm. Stipe 4-5.5 × 0.3-0.5 cm, pale yellow to yellow with concolourous pulverulence, tapering upward, with 0.7-0.9 cm wide bulbous, base, with volva present as ring around upperpart of bulb; context white to whitish, hollow in mature specimens. Annulus ascending, superior to median, membranous, pale yellow, withorange margin. Spore print white to cream.Basidia 25-44 × 10-14 µm, clavate, 4-spored, rarely 2-spored; sterigmata 3-4(-5.5) µm long; basal septa without clamps. Lamella trama bilateral. Subhymenium with (1-) 2-3 layers of globose to subglobose, ellipsoid, or doliform inflated cells (6-22 × 5-18 µm).Basidiospores [90/3/3] (6.5-)7-8(-9) × (6.5-)7-8 (-8.5) µm [Q = 1-1.06(-1.24), Q = 1.04 ± 0.04], globose to subglobose, rarely broadly ellipsoid, inamyloid, colourless, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth, with contents guttulate. Volva with remnants on pileus comprising more or less vertically arranged elements: inflated cells fairly abundant, globose to subglobose (14-50 × 12- 40 µm) to ellipsoid (16-44 × 12-26 µm) to ovoid (20-46 × 12-24 µm), single and terminal, or in chains of 2-3, thin-walled, colourless, hyaline; hyphae abundant, 2-6 µm wide, thin-walled, colourless, hyaline. Volva with remnants on stipe base and upper bulb made up of irregularly arranged elements—inflated cells abundant, globose to subglobose (12-30 × 10-24 µm) to long-ellipsoid to subfusiform (30-50 × 8-12 µm), often in chains of 4-6 cells.Habitat: Gregarious on ground in forest of Fagaceae.Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang Mai Prov., DSPNP-Sun Gu, 29 July 2000, R. Sanmee, S. & P. Lumyong (CMU 2215); ibid., 11 July 2002, R.Sanmee, S. & P. Lumyong, R. Kodsueb (CMU 4527); ibid., 3 July 2002, R. Sanmee, Z.L. Yang, S. & P. Lumyong, B. Dell, K.D. Hyde (CMU 45138).Notes: The eastern North American A. frostiana Peck has been reported from Thailand, but this appears to be in error. The latter speciesresembles A. rubrovolvata slightly, but has short striations at the margin of a yellow-orange pileus, slightly larger spores, a volva that is yellow from the button stage onward, common basidial clamps, and other differences (Tulloss et al., 1995, 2007d; Yang, 1997).There follows a translation of the description Heim (1962: 149) gave for his Thai material of ‘Amanita frostiana’:Basidiocarps small. Pileus 25-35 mm wide, orangish citrine yellow, very fragile, quickly becoming planar, then centrally depressed; context white, membrane-like (except, possibly, over stipe); margin profoundly striate-sulcate; volval remnants covering disc as orange tomentum and away from disc as soft orange warts. Lamellae free, cream, with serrate and farinose edge; lamellulae not described. Stipe 50-70 × 3-4 mm, colour rang-ing from whitish at base to cream in mid-portion to yellowish at apex, narrowing upward, flaring at apex, farinose in upper part; bulb globose, 8mm wide, pronounced; annulus simple, thin, membranous, citrine, subsuperior to submedian, fugacious; volval remnants present on bulb asorange-raspberry warts (‘pustules’) arranged in few broken rings above widest point. Odour lacking. Taste insipid.Basidiospores 7.1-8.2 × 6.8-7.3 µm, [approx. Q = 1.1], inamyloid, smooth; apiculus at least sometimes proportionately narrow; contents not recorded; white in deposit. [N.B.: Heim’s spore drawings do not illustrate spores in lateral view. Therefore, measurements made only from lateral views of spores may produce greater lengths and a slightly different value of Q.]Habitat: On ground, in old Dipterocarpus forest, ca. 1200 m elev.Collection cited by Heim: THAILAND, Chiang Mai Prov., DSPNP, s.d. R. Heim Th. 47 (location of deposit unknown, mat’l. possibly lost).In his protolog of the species A. subfrostiana Zhu L. Yang (1997), the author provided a thorough description of both his new speciesand A. frostiana. The Thai material of Heim differs from both and more strongly suggests A. rubrovolvata, which we propose is the correctdetermination for it. Unfortunately, Heim’s southeast Asian material in PC has often not been maintained in preservation. Bottles oncecontaining a specimen in liquid now may contain useless dried lumps. Amanita pudibunda, below, is a welcome exception. Also, Heim issaid to have kept material from the herbarium in several apartments around Paris. The last communication on this subject from PC toTulloss indicated that some exsiccata, notebooks, paintings, etc. were missing.103For comparative purposes, spore measurements for A. rubrovolvata from (Yang, 1997) are provided: [300/15/15] (7-)7.5-9(-11) × (6.5-)7-8.5(-10.5) µm [Q = 1-1.1(-1.23), Q = 1.06 ± 0.04].The most recent detailed treatment of A. rubrovolvata is by Yang (1997) who reported the species from southwestern China. It wasoriginally described from Japan. It has been reported from as far north as Korea (Kim et al.,1993), as far west as Nepal (Tulloss and H.R.Bhandary, unpub. data) and northern India (Bhatt et al., 2003; Semwal et al., 2007), and as far south as southern peninsular Malaya(Corner and Bas, 1962).Amanita siamensis Sanmee et al., Mycotaxon 88: 225 (2003).Basidiocarps medium-sized. Pileus 7.5- 9.5 cm wide, convex to plano-convex, with low broad umbo, greenish yellow to olivaceous buff, with a greyish brown disc; volval remnants farinose or as floccose patches, cinnamon buff; margin striate (0.2-0.4R), slightly reflexed at maturity, non-appendiculate; context white, unchanging. Lamellae free, white, crowded, with edge farinose; lamellulae truncate to subtruncate. Stipe 9-15 × 1-1.5 cm, subcylindric or slightly tapering upward, with apex slightly expanded, greenish yellow to olivaceous, densely covered with cinnamonbuff, farinose, squamules; context white; bulb at stipe base subglobose, 1.5-2.5 cm wide.Annulus membranous, easily broken during expansion of pileus, upper surface white with fine subradial striations, lower surface cinnamon buff, with edge cinnamon buff viewed from above. Spore print white. Basidia 36-48 × 9.5-14.5 µm, clavate, 4- spored; sterigmata 4-7.5 (-9.5) µm long; basal septa without clamps. Basidiospores [60/2/1] (9-)9.5-11.5(-13) × (5-)5.5-7(-8) µm [Q = (1.38-)1.53-1.88(-1.93), Q = 1.62 ± 0.15], elongate, sometimes ellipsoid, inamyloid, colourless, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth; apiculus small.Habitat: Gregarious on ground in a forest dominated by Fagaceae. Presently known only from the type locality.Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang Mai Prov., Khun Chang-Kian, 11 June 2002, R. Sanmee, P. Lumyong, S. Lumyong, R. Kodsueb & W. Chittrong (CMU 4528, holotype; HKAS 41153, isotype).Notes: Since its original publication, the present species has not been encountered again. Of east Asian taxa, A. rufoferruginea Hongo issomewhat similar to the present species. However, it can be distinguished from A. siamensis by its having yellowish brown basidiocarps with reddish brown volva remnants on the pileus and stipe, and globose to subglobose basidiospores (Hongo, 1966; Imazeki et al., 1988; Imazeki and Hongo, 1995; Yang, 1997).Amanita sinensis Zhu L. Yang, Bibliotheca Mycologica 170: 23 (1997).Basidiocarps medium to large. Pileus 12-14 cm wide, convex to plane, margin striate (0.15-0.25R), non-appendiculate, brownish grey,darker at centre, paler toward margin, volval remnants as fibrillose, floccose patches, dark grey, diminishing in size toward margin, withmargin of mature cap upturned. Lamellae free, white to dirty white, crowded, thick; lamellulae truncate. Stipe 9-11 × 1.2-1.5 cm, brownishgrey, slightly tapering upward, with ovoid bulb farinose; context white to whitish. Annulus white, membranous, apical. Spore print white to cream.Lamella trama bilateral. Mediostratum ca. 40 µm wide, consisting of ellipsoid to fusiform cells, 10-20 µm wide, mixed with abundant, branching hyphae, 2-8 µm wide; vascular hyphae rare. Lateral strata comprising long ellipsoid to fusiform cells. Subhymenium 30-50 µm thick, with 3-4 layers of globose to subglobose to pyriform cells, 8-24 × 8-18 µm.Basidia 44-68 × 9-16 µm, clavate, 4-spored; sterigmata 4-9 µm long; basal septa often bearing clamps. Basidiospores [33/1/1] 9.5- 12.5(-13.5) × 7-9(-9.5) µm [Q = (1.22-)1.27- 1.5(-1.56), Q = 1.39 ± 0.09], broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid, inamyloid, colourless, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth, with contents guttulate.Lamella edge sterile, as somewhat gelatinized strip, 160 µm wide in side view, made up of ovoid to subglobose (12-20 × 10-20 µm) to ellipsoid (28-30 × 12-14 µm) to clavate (30-34× 10-12 µm) to fusiform (35-40 × 8-10 µm) cells in chains of 2-4, thin-walled, colourless.Volval remnants on pileus with plentiful inflated cells subglobose to broadly ellipsoid to elongate-ellipsoid, 20-80 × 20-40 µm.104Habitat: Subgregarious. Terrestrial under Pinus kesiya Royle ex Gordon.Material examined: THAILAND, Phayao Prov., DLNP-Jumpathong, 28 May 2000, S. & P. Lumyong and students (CMU 2135).Notes: The colour and habit of A. sinensis are unusual for a taxon in sect. Amanita. In the field, the general appearance suggests a speciesof sect. Lepidella (e.g., A. griseofarinosa Hongo).However, simply testing the spores for amyloidity can quickly resolve such a confusion.Spore measurements from the protolog are provided for comparative purposes: [140/5/4] (8-)9.5-12.5(-13.5) × 7-8.5(-9.5) [Q = (1.14-) 1.25-1.53(-1.63); Q = 1.38 ± 0.09].The most recent detailed treatment of the present species is its protolog. The material cited therein is from southwestern China. More recently, Oda et al. (2000) have reported A. sinensis from Japan and Nepal.Amanita subglobosa Zhu L. Yang, Bibliotheca Mycologica 170: 18 (1997). (Fig. 1)Basidiocarps medium-sized. Pileus 3-5 cm wide, convex to plane, brownish to tea- brown, darker over disc, volval remnants as subpyramidal warts, 1-2 mm wide, up to 1.5 mm high, dirty white to cream, scattered; margin short striate (0.15-0.3 R), non-appendiculate; context white. Lamellae free, white; lamellulae truncate. Stipe 5-7 × 0.4-1.3 cm, white, equal, with apex slightly expanded, bulb at stipe base subglobose, ca. 0.8-2.5 cm wide, with juncture of stipe and bulb surrounded with whitish floccose ring of volva. Annulus white, submembranous.Lamella trama bilateral. Subhymenium 2- 3 layers of subglobose to cuneiform to pyriform to broadly clavate cells, 6-20 × 4-15 µm.Basidia 36-48 × 9-13 µm, clavate, 4-spored; sterigmata 2.5-5 µm long; basal septa often bearing clamps. Basidiospores [60/1/1] (7.5-) 8-10(-11) × (6.5-)7-8.5(-9) µm [Q = (1.05-) 1.1-1.32(-1.33), Q = 1.19 ± 0.07], subglobose to broadly ellipsoid, inamyloid, colourless, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth, with contents guttulate. Lamella edge as sterile and somewhat gelatinized strip, 120-190 µm wide in side view, made up of globose to subglobose (6-16 µm wide), ovoid (16-18 × 10-12 µm) to clavate (18-26 × 10-14 µm) to bacilliform (20-25 × 8- 10 µm) cells in chains of 4-8, thin-walled, colourless. Volval remnants on pileus made up of irregularly arranged elements: filamentous hyphae fairly abundant, 3-6 (-8) µm wide,hyaline, thin-walled, with septa sometimes bearing clamps; inflated cells abundant to very abundant, globose to subglobose to ovoid to ellipsoid to (occasionally) fusiform, 18-60 × 8- 44 µm, often in short chains, thin-walled, colourless. Annulus dominantly comprising irregularly arranged, filamentous hyphae (2-9 µm wide) mixed with abundant inflated cells (globose to subglobose to ellipsoid to clavate to fusiform, often in terminal chains, sometimes single and terminal, 14-88 × 8-52 µm, colourless, hyaline, thin-walled); clamps common.Habitat: Solitary on ground in a forest with Castanopsis, Quercus, and species of Dipterocarpaceae.Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang Mai Prov., DSPNP-1 km from Phra-Tard-Doi-Suthep Temple, 13 July 2002, R. Sanmee (CMU 45179, CMU 45180).Notes: Amanita kwangsiensis Y.C. Wang (=A. sychnopyramis f. subannulata Hongo) and A. parvipantherina Zhu L. Yang et al. are somewhat similar to A. subglobosa, but they both lack clamps; and, in addition, the former has much smaller, globose to subglobose spores, and (Yang, 1994; Yang, 1997; Yang et al. 2004). Rarity or lack of clamps is common in pantherinoid taxa.For comparative purposes the spore measurements from the protolog are provided:[110/4/3] (8.5-)9.5-12(-15) × (6.5-)7-9.5(-12.5) µm, [Q = (1.1-)1.18-1.44(-1.62); Q = 1.31 ± 0.09].The most recent detailed treatment of the present species is provided by Yang (2005).The most recent detailed treatment in English is its protolog (southwestern Chinese material).A description of this taxon based on collections from northern India has appeared recently (Semwal et al., 2007). Amanita ibotengutake T. Oda, C. Tanaka & Tsuda (2002), described from Japan, is strikingly similar to A. subglobosa (Yang, 2005, 2007a); it is said to be distinguishable on the basis of molecular phylogeny.Amanita section Caesareae SingerAll of the known taxa of this section from southeast Asia are assignable to the rather large group of species presently called Amanita stirps Hemibapha (Tulloss, 1998a, 2007a).Many taxa of this stirps are still to be105Figs 1-4. Amanita species, habit illustrations; cross-sections not to scale. 1. A. subglobosa, (CMU 45180). 2. A. chepangiana, (CMU 2132). 3. A. affin. angustilamellata, (CMU 45151). 4. A. ovalispora, (CMU e0195).described; and this situation is certainly the case in southeast Asia. A key to known taxa of this stirps for the world is maintained by Tulloss (2007a). One as yet undetermined taxon from Thailand collected by D. Arora appears in that key denoted by alphanumeric code—‘Thai 3’.Amanita chepangiana Tulloss & Bhandary, Mycotaxon 43: 25 (1992). (Fig. 2)Basidiocarps medium to large. Pileus 6- 13 cm wide, convex to plane, white, dry, glabrous, with margin striate (0.2-0.4R) and non-appendiculate. Lamellae free, white, crowded; lamellulae truncate. Stipe 8-14 × 1- 1.5 cm, white, slightly tapering upward, apex slightly expanded, stuffed with white cottony material or hollow, with bulb absent; context white. Annulus white, membranous, apical to subapical. Volva 4-6 × 2.5-5 cm, white,membranous, saccate. Spore print white to cream.Basidia 38-54 × 12-14 µm, clavate, 4- spored; sterigmata 2.5-6 µm long; basal septa often bearing clamps. Basidiospores [185/6/5] 9-11(-13) × (7-)8-10.5(-11) µm [Q = (1-) 1.04- 1.2 (-1.33), Q = 1.12 ± 0.06], globose, subglobose to broadly ellipsoid, rarely ellipsoid, inamyloid, colourless, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth, with large prominent apiculus, with contents guttulate.Habitat: Solitary or gregarious on ground in forest of Fagaceae and Dipterocarpaceae.Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang MaiProv., DSPNP-Huay Kog Ma, 9 May 2000, R. Sanmee (CMU 2016) – Chiang Mai Prov., DSPNP-1 km from Phra-Tard-Doi-Suthep Temple, 13 July 2002, R. Sanmee & Z.L. Yang (CMU 45191) – Chiang Mai Prov., KCNP- no loc., 27 May 2000, R. Sanmee, S. & P. Lumyong (CMU 2118) – Phayao Prov., Doi Puya, 27 May 2000, S. & P. Lumyong and students (CMU 2132, CMU 2126).Notes: The original material of A. chepangiana was collected in association with Shorea (Tulloss and Bhandary, 1992).There have been newspaper accounts of poisonings by A. verna (Bull. : Fr.) Lam. in Thailand (e.g., Dailynews, Bangkok, 30 May 2000); and it is sometimes reported that this mushroom is the leading cause of death from mushroom ingestion in Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia. Amanita verna is apparently restricted to Europe and western Asia; however, there are deadly species known from eastern Asia that are macroscopically similar to A. verna—A. exitialis Zhu L. Yang & T.H. Li (Yang et al., 2001; Zhang et al., 2005), A. oberwinklerana Zhu L. Yang & Yoshim. Doi (1999), and A.subjunquillea var. alba Zhu L. Yang (1997). In at least some parts of Thailand, one or more of106these species goes under the local name of ‘hed kai kao teen ton’. Because of the presence of these deadly species, it is important to be ableto distinguish the poisonous white species of sect. Phalloideae from the very common, edible A. chepangiana (with the local name ‘hed kai kao’).Amanita verna (Breitenbach and Kränzlin, 1995; Neville and Poumarat, 2004) and its Asian look-alikes can be segregated from A. chepangiana by characters observable in the field, by their lacking striations along the pileal margin and having a bulb at the stipe base with a comparatively short limbate (not saccate) volva. If appropriate reagents are available, all species of section Phalloideae can also be segregated from all species of stirps Hemibapha by the amyloid reaction of a pile of spores scraped from a spore print. Under a microscope, specimens of all species of section Phalloideae will also be found to lack clamps at the bases of basidia in contrast with all taxa of stirps Hemibapha.The most recent detailed description of the present species was published by Yang (1997); in his description he corrects several mistakes made in the protolog of A. chepangiana.For comparative purposes, spore measurements from (Yang, 1997) are provided:[120/4/4] (8.5-)10-13(-16) × (7.5-)8.5-11(-11.5) µm [Q = (1.04-) 1.09-1.33 (-1.52), Q = 1.19 ± 0.08].The species was originally described from Nepal; Yang’s material is from south-western China. The species has repeatedly been reported from as far north as Korea under the misapplied name Amanita caesarea var. alba Gillet (Yang, 1997, 2000) or A. hemibapha subsp. alba Kim et al. nom. inval. (1993).Amanita hemibapha (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. sensu lato, Sylloge Fungorum 5: 13 (1887).The following is a general description that probably covers several taxa that may or may not have been recognized in the literature.More work is necessary in order to separate them.Basidiocarps medium to large. Pileus 5-16 cm wide, convex to plane, concave, margin striate (0.3-0.4R), non-appendiculate, orange-red over centre, paler toward curry-yellow margin, glabrous, viscid when wet. Lamellae free, creamy to yellow, crowded (approx. 7 lamellae / cm); lamellulae truncate. Stipe 6-19 × 0.6-3 cm, equal or slightly tapering upwards, apex slightly expanded, yellow to pale yellow, bearing pale orange fibrillose zones below annulus, stuffed with white to yellowish cottony material or hollow, with bulb absent; context white, creamy, or yellowish. Annulus yellow to pale orange, thin, membranous, apical, pendant, easily collapsing. Volva 2-6 × 1.5-2.5 cm, white, saccate, membranous. Spore print white. Basidia 44-68 × 11-13 µm, clavate, 4-spored; sterigmata 3-4.5 µm long; basal septa often with clamps. Basidiospores [279 / 9 /7 ] 7.5-)8-11(-13.5) × (5.5-)6-7(-9) µm [Q = (1.16-)1.31-1.5(-1.81), Q = 1.41 ± 0.09], ellipsoid, sometimes broadly ellipsoid, rarely elongate, inamyloid, colourless, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth, with contents guttulate.Habitat: Gregarious on ground in forestsof Dipterocarpaceae and Fagaceae.Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang MaiProv., DSPNP-Quinine Garden, 17 May 2000, R.Sanmee (CMU 2001) – Chiang Mai Prov., DSPNP-SunGu, 11 May 2002, R. Sanmee (CMU 4525) – ChiangMai Prov., DSPNP-1 km from Phra-Tard-Doi-SuthepTemple, 13 July 2002, R. Sanmee & Z.L. Yang (CMU45183) – Chiang Mai Prov., DSPNP-Huay Kog Ma, 28August 2002, R. Sanmee (CMU 45252) – Chiang MaiProv., KCNP–no loc., 27 May 2000, R. Sanmee, S. & P.Lumyong (CMU 2121) – Chiang Mai Prov., KhunChang Kian, 11 June 2002, S. Lumyong (CMU 4523) –Phayao Prov., Doi Kum Phra, 27 May 2000, S. & P.Lumyong and students (CMU 2123).Notes: Brightly coloured taxa of Amanitastirps Hemibapha make up one of the mostpopular groups of wild edible mushrooms innorthern Thailand. The local name is ‘hed kailaung’.Worldwide, there are many taxa in stirpsHemibapha (Corner and Bas, 1962; Yang,1997; Tulloss, 1998a; 1998b, 2007a; Tulloss etal., 2001). They vary in colour, bruisingreactions, size, and spore characters; manyhave a pronounced umbo and rather longmarginal striations. However, the basidiocarpsof some, including A. hemibapha sensu stricto[known with greatest confidence from SriLanka and southern India (Berkeley andBroome, 1871; Vrinda et al., 2005; Tulloss,2007g)], may often lack an umbo. In our Thaicollections, a dominantly yellow entity of stirpsHemibapha is more plentiful than a red one.Chansrikul et al. (1984) and Rachabundi-107tayasathan (1996) reported two taxa inThailand—A. hemibapha subsp. javanicaCorner & Bas (1962) [=A. javanica (Corner &Bas) T. Oda et al. (1999)], a predominantlyyellow to orange-yellow entity and A.hemibapha subsp. similis (Boedijn) Corner &Bas (1962) [=A. similis Boedijn (1951)], abrown-capped entity having a yellow stipedecorated with orange fibrillose patches. Aspecies of the same stirps with a completelybright orange-red cap is depicted on theworldwide web in a photograph labelled‘Amanita caesarea [sic] (Thailand)’ by TaylorLockwood (2004); this photograph stronglysuggests A. caesareoides Lj. N. Vassiljeva,presently known from northern India to easternSiberia.The present entry uses the name A. hemi-bapha in a broad sense—covering the brightlycoloured taxa (of whatever rank they may beassigned) of stirps Hemibapha in Thailand.Amanita chepangiana, above, and A. princeps,below, are both taxa of stirps Hemibapha thatlack the bright colours of taxa treated withinthe present entry; moreover, the two citedspecies have spores tending to be more nearlyglobose or subglobose than spores of many ofthe brightly coloured taxa.Amanita princeps Corner & Bas, Persoonia 2:297 (1962).Basidiocarps medium to large. Pileus 8-15 cm wide, convex to plane, concave, brownish,darker over disc, paler toward a striate margin(0.2-0.4R), non-appendiculate, glabrous, viscidwhen wet. Lamellae free, white, approx. 1.2 cmbroad, crowded, averaging 6-7 per cm;lamellulae truncate. Stipe 8-23 × 1.5-2.5 cm,slightly tapering upward, white to whitish,stuffed with white cottony material or hollow;bulb absent; context white, moist. Annulus white,apical, membranous, thin, easily collapsed. Volvasaccate, 4-8 × 2-3.5 cm, membranous, white towhitish. Spore print white.Basidia 33-58 × 9-17(-25) µm, clavate,4-spored; sterigmata (2.5-)4-7 µm long; basalsepta often with clamps. Basidiospores [90/3/3](9-)9.5-11(-13) × 9-11(-13) µm [Q = 1-1.08(-1.22), Q = 1.06 ± 0.05], globose to subglo-bose, rarely broadly ellipsoid, inamyloid, colour-less, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth, with largeand prominent apiculus, with contents guttulate.Habitat: Solitary or gregarious on groundunder Castanopsis.Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang MaiProv., DSPNP-Quinine Garden, 17 May 2000, R.Sanmee (CMU 2000) – ibid., 6 June 2002, R. Sanmee &R. Kodsueb (CMU 4504).Notes: Amanita princeps is a commonedible wild mushroom in northern Thailandduring the rainy season. The local name is ‘hedkai kao’.The current species was originally describ-ed from Singapore. It seems to be common intropical China (Yang et al., 2001; Yang 2005,2007b).Amanita section Vaginatae (Fr.) Quél.Amanita affin. angustilamellata (Höhn.)Boedijn, Sydowia 5: 318 (1951). (Fig. 3)Basidiocarps medium-sized. Pileus 3.5-9.5 cm wide, convex to umbonate-convex toplane, often subumbonate or lacking an umbo,with margin long striate (0.4-0.5R), non-appendiculate, greyish brown, darker at disc,paler toward margin, glabrous. Lamellae free,white to whitish, subcrowded, thick; lamellulaetruncate. Stipe 10-14 × 0.5-1 cm, slightly taper-ing upward, apex slightly expanded, white tobrownish, bearing grey to greyish fibrils;context white, hollow. Exannulate. Volva 2.5-4× 1-2 cm, white, with very pale greyish tinge,saccate, membranous.Basidia 42-62 × 13-16 µm, clavate, 4-spored; sterigmata 4.5-7 µm long; basal septawithout clamps. Basidiospores [151/5/5] (9-)9.5-11(-12) × (8-)9-11(-11.5) µm [Q = 1-1.04(-1.14), Q = 1.04 ± 0.03], globose to subglo-bose, inamyloid, colourless, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth, with contents guttulate.Habitat: Solitary or gregarious on groundin forests including Dipterocarpaceae orFagaceae.Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang MaiProv., DSPNP-Huay Kog Ma, 24 July 1999, R. Sanmee(CMU e0209) – Chiang Mai Prov., Doi Saked, HuayHong Krai, 6 July 2002, R. Sanmee, Z.L. Yang & K.D.Hyde (CMU 45151) – Chiang Mai Prov., KCNP-no loc.,10 July 1999, R. Sanmee, S. & P. Lumyong & B. Dell(CMU e0152) – Chiang Mai Prov., Sanpathong, MaeWang, 5 October 2002, S. & P. Lumyong, R. Sanmee(CMU 45265) – ibid., 8 December 2002, S. & P.Lumyong, R. Sanmee (CMU 45333).Notes: FH 4712 is sole syntype and,therefore, lectotype of the present species; andit is in good condition (Zhu L. Yang, pers.comm.) except that the base of the stipe and the108volva were not collected. The present dayunderstanding of the taxon is based largely onthe protolog, the drawing von Höhnel depositedwith his exsiccatum (FH), and interpretationsby subsequent authors—Boedijn (1951),Corner and Bas (1962) and Yang (1997). Abrief summary of current knowledge of thepresent species is maintained by Tulloss(2007e).Z.L. Yang (pers. corresp.) generouslyprovided us with his unpublished data on thespores of the type. They are included here forcomparative purposes: [35/1/1]11-14(-15) ×(10-) 10.5-13 (-14.5) µm, Q = 1-1.1 (-1.15), Q= 1.05 ± 0.04.The region of interest is not at allthoroughly explored, and species of sect.Vaginatae are among the undeterminedexsiccata awaiting further research. In thepresent case, at least three concerns remain asopen issues with regard to determination of theThai material here listed as A. affin.angustilamellata. The original drawing of vonHöhnel shows the length:breadth ratio of thelamellae to be in the range of 6.5-6.75 whilethe same ratio taken from the habit illustrationaccompanying the present description is 2.9.Tulloss’ on-line summary [based largely on thedescriptions of von Höhnel, Boedijn, and Yang(1997)] mentions that the saccate volva of A.angustilamellata is attached only at the verybase of the stipe. This character is also shownin Corner’s watercolour of the present species(Corner and Bas, 1962; Tulloss, 2007e). Thehabit on Thai material examined shows a moreextensive region of volval attachment to thestipe. Spore measurements (possibly affectedby the quality of preservation of the Thaimaterial?) are not a close match to thosereported from the type (e.g., ranges of sporelength in the two data sets are nearly disjunct).Additional, well-annotated and illustratedcollections of material considered to be A.angustilamellata are very much needed fromsites throughout the supposed range of thespecies, in order to get a more definitiveunderstanding of it.Amanita angustilamellata has beenpreviously reported from Indonesia (protolog),Singapore (Corner and Bas, 1962), and south-western China (Yang, 1997).Amanita ovalispora Boedijn, Sydowia 5: 320(1951). (Fig. 4)Basidiocarps medium-sized. Pileus 4-5cm wide, convex to plane, glabrous, viscid,dark grey at centre, paler (e.g., ash-grey)toward nonappendiculate, striate (0.4-0.6 R)margin. Lamellae free, white, crowded; lamel-lulae truncate. Stipe 8-10.5 × 0.6-0.8 cm,slightly tapering upward, with apex slightlyexpanded, white, fibrillose to floccose; contextwhite, hollow. Exannulate. Volva saccate, 2.5-3× 1.5-2 cm, membranous, white to dirty white.Basidia 33-50 × 12-15 µm, clavate, 4-spored; sterigmata 2.5-5 µm long; basal septawithout clamps. Basidiospores [120/4/4] (8-)9-10.5(-13.5) × (6-)7-9(-10) µm [Q = (1.09-) 1.15-1.37(-1.7), Q = 1.3 ± 0.13], broadly ellipsoid toellipsoid, rarely subglobose or elongate, inamy-loid, colourless, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth,with contents guttulate.Habitat: Solitary on ground in forest ofFagaceae.Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang MaiProv., DSPNP-Huay Kog Ma, 20 July 1999, R. Sanmee,S. & P. Lumyong (CMU e0195) – ibid., 24 July 1999, R.Sanmee (CMU e0211) – ibid., 9 May 2000, R. Sanmee,S. & P. Lumyong (CMU 2036) – Chiang Mai Prov.,Chiang Mai Univ., Ang Kaew, 27 July 2002, R. Sanmee,Z.L. Yang & H.Y. He (CMU 45238).Notes: The most recent detailed treatmentof this taxon is by Yang (1997) who describedsouthwestern Chinese material. In the samework, Yang provides a useful comparison to A.pseudovaginata Hongo.This species is often called A. vaginata(Bull. : Fr.) Lam. in the Thai literature; however,A. vaginata is a European and west Asianspecies that has globose basidiospores (e.g.,Breitenbach and Kränzlin, 1995).Unfortunขately, the latter species is poorlyunderstood, and its name is misappliedthroughout the world.The current species was originallydescribed from Indonesia.Amanita pudibunda R. Heim ex R. Heim,Revue de Mycologie 30: 235 (1965).≡ Amanita pudibonda [sic] R. Heim, Revue deMycologie 27: 146 (1962) nom. inval. (Lacking Latindiagnosis.) (Figs 5-7)Pileus: 35-45 mm wide, white, gibbousto convex at first, then convex to pulvinate, flatover disc, with tomentose to farinose surfacedecoration; context white; margin short striate(faint, but 0.25R in preserved material),109Figs 5-7. A. pudibunda (holotype). Scale bars on microscopic anatomy indicate 20 µm. 5. Habit. 6. Elements ofhymenium and subhymenial tree. 7. Elements of universal veil from stipe base.farinose, slightly incurved at least at first;universal veil not described in original descrip-tions, but depicted as scattered irregularfragments, probable source of surface decora-tion reported with microanatomical characters(below).Lamellae: spacing from stipe not noted,crowded as preserved, white with flesh-coloured tint in mass, white in side view, ratherbroad, rather thick and fleshy, with smooth andconcolourous edge; lamellulae not described.Stipe: 80-100 × 9-12 mm, white, narrow-ing upward evenly, having series of concolour-ous rings or broken rings in apical third(fragile, white, farinose), pulverulent, withpulverulence easily lost below apical third,quickly becoming nearly smooth below, withsubtle browning below apical portion (fromhandling?); context white, with ample centralcylinder (width not recorded); universal veil assaccate volva, ample, with limb of roughlyeven height to slightly bilobate, membranous,rather thick, whitish with pinkish brown spots,32 × 20 mm, 2 mm thick as preserved,apparently lacking limbus internus in preservedstate.Odour subtle, agreeable; taste sapid.Macrochemical tests: none reported.Pileipellis: comprising colourless supra-pellis (445-450 µm thick) and subpellis (235±µm thick) with hyphae having brown tintedwalls, overall 680-685 µm thick, overlaid bynearly uniform layer from inner surface ofuniversal veil (see below); suprapellis compri-sing gelatinized matrix including looselyinterwoven, narrow, filamentous, undifferen-tiated hyphae seeming to curve up into matrixfrom subpellis; subpellis with filamentous,undifferentiated hyphae up to 9.6 µm wide,branching, often constricted at septa, ungelati-nized; vascular hyphae not observed. Pileuscontext: filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae4.8-14.4 µm wide, branching, plentiful; acro-physalides narrowly clavate, plentiful todominant, with many subradially arranged, upto 145 × 32 µm or larger, with walls thin orcommonly up to 0.8 µm thick, terminal oroccasionally in chains; vascular hyphae 6.4-11012.8 µm wide, scattered, sinuous, orange-brown.Lamella trama: bilateral; wcs = 30-35 µm;subhymenial base including plentiful inflatedcells (clavate to broadly clavate to elongate toovoid, thin-walled, apparently all intercalary,up to 73 × 30 µm), with angle of divergencefrom shallow to 60° or more; central stratumcontaining plentiful partially inflatedintercalary segments up to 14.4 µm wide;filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae 2.1-6.4µm wide, branching, often with granularcontents; terminal, divergent inflated cellsoccasional, of the same form as intercalarycells of subhymenial base; vascular hyphae notobserved. Subnymenium: wst-near = 70-90 µm;wst-far = 95-100 µm; as branching structurecomprising short uninflated and partiallyinflated hyphal segments and small inflatedcells, with 10-30 µm between bases of largestbasidia/-oles and subhymenial base, with 45-50µm between bases of shortest basidia/-oles andsubhymenial base, with basidia arising fromcells of all types, least frequently from inflatedcells. Basidia: 39-61 × 8.0-11.6 µm, 4-sterig-mate; clamps not observed. Universal veil: Onpileus, lower surface, attached to pileipellis:nearly uniform layer 20-50 µm thick ofbrownish walled partially gelatinized elements,with all types of elements often havinggranular contents (see description of pileipellis,above); filamentous, undifferentiated hyphaeup to 7.2 µm wide, branching; inflated cells (upto 47 × 11.2 µm or larger), collapsed, narrowlyclavate to allantoid, possibly in chains. Onstipe base, exterior surface: as rather denselayer to depth of up to 85 µm; filamentous,undifferentiated hyphae 1.0-8.0 µm wide,branching, dominantly fasciculate and often inrather broad fascicles, also appearing singly,interwoven in open lattice, but denser than ininterior, with many partially gelatinized; inflatedcells not observed; vascular hyphae 3.2 µmwide, scattered to rare, fragmented. On stipebase, interior: filamentous, undifferentiatedhyphae 3.2-11.2 µm wide, branching, plentiful,often fasciculate, thin-walled, with septaoccasionally constricted, very loosely inter-woven in open lattice, with tip cells sometimesslightly expanded; inflated cells plentiful tolocally dominating, thin-walled, up to 105 × 79µm, occasionally irregularly clavate, usuallybroadly ellipsoid to subglobose; vascularhyphae 3.2-15.2 µm wide, scattered, sinuous;clamps not observed. On stipe base, innersurface: partially gelatinized in some regions,very similar to dark layer on pileipellis surface,from comparatively thin to up to 110 µm thick;filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae 2.4-9.6µm wide, with some intercalary segments up to14.4 µm wide, frequently branching, dominating,densely interwoven, with almost all in fascicles,frequently septate, with yellow granular contentsin 20% NH4OH, with dark brown pigmentapparently restricted to cell walls; inflated cellsapparently terminal (singly or in short chains),narrowly clavate or allantoid (up to 123 × 32µm, thin-walled) to pyriform or subglobose (upto 43 × 40 µm or larger, with walls up to 1.6µm thick), plentiful, often with granularcontents as in hyphae; vascular hyphae notobserved. Stipe context: longitudinally acro-physalidic; filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae2.4-9.6 µm wide, branching, plentiful; acrophy-salides dominating, thin-walled, up to 298 × 32µm; vascular hyphae not observed.Basidiospores: [20/1/1] (6.5-)6.8-10.4 (-10.5) × (5.1-)5.2-7.4(-7.9) µm, (L = 8.7 µm; W= 6 µm; Q = (1.25-)1.27-1.65(-1.74); Q = 1.46),hyaline, colourless, with walls very slightlythickened (< 0.5 µm), smooth, inamyloid,broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid to elongate;apiculus sublateral; contents multiguttulate;colour in deposit unknown.Habitat: In humus of old Dipterocarpusforest, 1200 m elev.Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang MaiProv., DSPNP, [5] December 1957, R. Heim [Th.] 57(PC, holotype).Notes: Heim (1962: 148) states that thisspecies was most closely related to the varietiesof Amanita annulatovaginata Beeli (from theRepublic of Congo) due to the presence offragile decoration on the upper stipe(suggestive of an annulus) and the shape andsize of the spores. However, the gracile Africanspecies was not reported to have, and from itsillustrations does not appear to have, the curiouscovering of volval material that A. pudibundabears on its pileus; and there seems little reasonto judge the two taxa to be closely relatedphenetically.Yang (pers. corresp.) has suggested toTulloss that this taxon might well be placed in111sect. Amidella except for its inamyloid spores.Weak amyloid reaction in spores of onecollection of Amidella was reported by Bas(1969: 342) as Yang noted. Yang (pers.corresp.) also reports that he has reviewed driedmaterial that seems to belong to sect. Amidellawith the exception of having inamyloid spores.This species is known only from a singlespecimen. The holotype of A. pudibunda ispreserved in liquid. Generally speaking, Tullossfound the tissues to be in very good condition.Parts of the collection data in brackets do notappear on the herbarium label in PC. ‘Th.’stands for the name of the actual collector.New material of A. pudibunda with goodnotes on its fresh state and in condition tosupport molecular studies is very much needed.Amanita [subgenus Lepidella] sectionAmidella (E.-J. Gilbert) Konrad & Maubl.Amanita avellaneosquamosa (S. Imai) S. Imaiin Ito, Mycological Flora of Japan 2(5): 250(1959).Basidiocarps medium-sized. Pileus 4-9cm wide, convex to plane, slightly depressed incentre, margin striate (0.25-0.35R), non-appen-diculate when collected, whitish, with volvalremnants cream to yellowish brown, farinoseor floccose small patches. Lamellae free, whiteto whitish, subcrowded; lamellulae truncate.Stipe 5-7 × 0.7-2 cm, slightly tapering upward,white to cream, decorated with white farinoseto floccose material; context white to whitish.Annulus fugacious. Volva 2-3 × 1.5-3 cm,yellowish brown, saccate, membranous. Odourstrong, unpleasant (possibly due to decay).Spore print white.Basidia 40-50 × 8-14 µm, 4-spored; sterig-mata 3-5 µm long; basal septa without clamps.Basidiospores [109/3/3] (8.5-)9-11(-12) × (4.5-)5-6.5(-7) µm [Q = (1.35-)1.5-1.88(-2.5), Q =1.74 ± 0.19], ellipsoid to elongate, rarelycylindric, amyloid, colourless, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth; apiculus small.Habitat: Solitary on ground in forests ofFagaceae and Pinaceae.Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang MaiProv., DSPSP-Suan Sone, 11 June 1999, R. Sanmee, S.& P. Lumyong (CMU e0051) – Chiang Mai Prov.,DSPSP-Sun Gu, 29 July 2000, S. & P. Lumyong, R.Sanmee (CMU 2220) – Chiang Mai Prov., KCNP, 27May 2000, S. & P. Lumyong, R. Sanmee (CMU 2119).Notes: Species of sect. Amidella representnotable exceptions to the belief that thepresence of truncate lamellulae in an Amanitacorrelates with the presence of inamyloidspores (Tulloss and Yang, 2007b). Amanitavolvata (Peck) Lloyd (a North American taxon)is similar to A. avellaneosquamosa but differsby pinkish to red-brown staining after injury tothe context, having a fibrillose-floccose innerlayer of volval remnants (made up of abundant,fusiform, broadly clavate to ellipsoid, looselyand irregularly arranged inflated cells) almostalways remaining in part or whole on thepileus, having a thicker subhymenium with (2-)3-4 (-5) layers of inflated cells, and havingsomewhat larger spores. This is according toYang (2000), who reported the present speciesfrom southwestern China (Yang, 1997). Thisspecies was reported from northern India as A.volvata according to Bhatt et al. (2003).The present species differs from A. clari-squamosa, below, by having more elongatespores (higher average Q), having a volval sacthat is often more laterally compressed, longermarginal striations on the pileus, less crowdedlamellae, and smaller spores—as reported byYang (1997).For comparative purposes, the sporemeasurements from Yang’s description ofmaterial from southwestern China areprovided: [110/4/2] (8-)9-11(-12) × 5.5-6.5(-7)µm [Q = (1.33-)1.43-1.87(-2), Q = 1.65 ±0.14]. In addition Tulloss’ spore measurementsfrom material of China, Japan, and northernIndia are as follows: [125/5/5] (5.8-)7-10.5 (-11.8) × (4-)4.8-6.5(-7.8) µm [Q = (1.28-)1.38-1.91(-2), avg. Q per specimen = 1.48-1.71; Q =1.61 ± 0.16].Extralimital habitat: India: At 1900±-3250 m elev., in forest of Quercus leucotri-chophora A. Camus and Rhododendron arbo-reum Sm., with scattered Cedrus deodara(Roxb. ex Lambert) G. Don. or under Pinusroxburghii Sarg. or in mixed forest includingAbies pindrow (Royle ex D. Don) Royle, Piceasmithiana (Wall.) Boiss., Pinus wallichianaA.B. Jacks., Q. dilatata Royle, Q. semecarpifoliaSm. [latter known to be mycorrhizal withcurrent species (Kumar et al., 1990)], andTaxus. Japan: At ca. 300 m elev., in evergreenforest with Castanopsis and some Abies andPinus.112Extralimital material examined: CHINA, JiangsuProv., Nanjing, Ling-ku-sze Woods, 14 July 1936 S.C.Li 112 (CUP-CH) – INDIA, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla,Narkanda, Hattoo Peak, 20 August 1986, T.N. Lak-hanpal & A. Kumar s.n. (HPUB 4430 (n.v.); BPI 71990)– Uttarakhand, Mussooree, 21 September 1964 C. Bas4442 (L) – Uttarakhand, Pauri Garhwal, Dandapani, 8August 2001, K.C. Semwal & R.P. Bhatt 378 (GUH;RET) – JAPAN, Chiba Pref., Kiyosumi, 25 August 1983C. Bas 9002 (L) – Shiga Pref., Seta-chô, 2 October 1949,T. Hongo 6 (herb. T. Hongo).The current species has been reportedpreviously from Japan (protolog), southwesternChina (Yang, 1997), and northern India (Bhattet al., 2003).Amanita clarisquamosa (S. Imai) S. Imai inIto, Mycol. Fl. Jap. 2: 250 (1959).Field notes for the single collectionavailable were limited. The description is largelybased on the description of Yang (1997).Pileus 7 cm wide, convex at first, planarwhen expanded, slightly depressed over disc,white to whitish, slightly yellow-brownish overdisc, viscid (or tacky), decorated with grey-brown, brownish to brown, irregular, membra-nous to fibrillose volval remains, with marginshortly and lightly striate (0.1-0.15R) and oftenappendiculate; context white, 4-6 mm thickover stipe, thinner toward margin, not orindistinctly discolouring. Lamellae free tonearly free, 5-8 mm broad, white, tending tobecome greyish, grey-brownish, brownish orchocolate brown when dried slowly or inhumid environment, crowded to moderatelycrowded, with edge finely floccose, greyish tobrownish; lamellulae truncate to roundedtruncate, with 0-2 between each pair oflamellae. Stipe 12 × 1.2-1.8 cm, nearly cylin-dric or tapering slightly toward apex, withwhitish ground colour under grey-brown scalesor flocculence; context white to whitish; basalbulb lacking. Volva saccate, fleshy, 4-5 cmhigh, 3.5-4 cm wide, 2-9 mm thick, adhering tostipe surface, with outer surface white to sordidwhite, with inner surface whitish, with limbusinternus placed high on limb and somewhatdifficult to distinguish. Annulus fragile orephemeral, often remaining as grey-brownscales on upper portion of stipe. Odour andtaste not conspicuous. Spore deposit ‘white’.Basidia 4-sterigmate; basal septa withoutclamps. Basidiospores [34/3/1] (10-)11-12.5(-16) × (7-)7.5-8(-11) µm, [Q = (1.15-)1.44-1.63(-2.07), Q = 1.52 ± 0.17], amyloid, broadlyellipsoid to ellipsoid, occasionally elongate,rarely cylindric, colourless, hyaline, thin-walled;apiculus small, cylindric, sublateral.Habitat: In mixed forest including Pinusand Castanopsis.Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang MaiProv., Om Koi, 12 September 1999, D. Arora 99281(RET; SFSU).Notes: Our material conforms well to thedescription of the present species by Yang(1997) as well as with unpublished data ofTulloss. For comparison to A. avellaneosqua-mosa, see observations under that species. InArora 99-281, ‘giant spores’ were present—probably spores from basidia with less than 4sterigmata. Bhatt et al. (2003) note that thisspecies has been reported in northern India asA. peckiana Kauffman. Tulloss’ spore data forA. clarisquamosa (using notation of the presentpaper) based on collections from India are asfollows: [150/7/3] (7-)10-12(-15) × (5.5-)6-7(-9) µm, [Q = (1.18-)1.45-1.77(-1.88), avg. Q perspecimen = 1.50-1.69, Q = 1.59 ± 0.13].Extralimital habitat: India: At 1850-2800± m elev., on slope in pure Abies pindrowforest or on N slope in coniferous forestincluding A. pindrow, Picea smithiana, andPinus wallichiana or scattered on rich humusunder Myrica esculenta Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don, Quercus leucotrichophora, and Rhodo-dendron arboreum.Extralimital material examined: INDIA,Himachal Pradesh, Narkanda, 6 August 1964, C. Bas4066 (L) – ibid., 11 August 1964 C. Bas 4118 (L) –Uttarakhand, Garhwal, Dandapani, 20 September 1993,V.K. & R.P. Bhatt s.n. (GUH M-20168; RET).The current species has been reportedpreviously from Japan (protolog), southwesternChina (Yang, 1997), and northern India (Bhattet al., 2003).Amanita section Lepidella sensu Bas (1969)Amanita alboflavescens Hongo, Memoirs ofthe Shiga University, Natural Science 20: 50(1970).Basidiocarps medium-sized. Pileus 6 cmwide, convex to plane, pale yellow, volvalremnants floccose to squamulose, yellowish tobrownish, becoming lemon-chrome whentouched, margin non-striate, appendiculate.Lamellae free, whitish, cream to yellowish,edges serrate, crowded; lamellulae nearlytruncate. Stipe 12 × 0.9-1.2 cm, slightly tapering113upward, apex slightly expanded, yellowish,floccose to squamulose, with ovoid, bulbousbase 2.2 cm wide; context white. Annulusyellowish, apical, floccose-membranous. Volvayellowish, floccose-felted, fugacious. Sporeprint white to cream.Basidia clavate, 4-spored, sterigmata 5-6.5 µm long. Basidiospores [30/1/1] 8-10.5 (-11) × 5-6(-6.5) µm [Q = 1.47-1.78 (-2), Q =1.66 ± 0.12], ellipsoid to elongate, rarelycylindric, amyloid, colourless, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth; apiculus small.Habitat: Solitary on ground in forest ofFagaceae.Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang MaiProv., DSPNP-Huay Kog Ma, 25 May 2000, S. & P.Lumyong, R. Sanmee (CMU 2113).Notes: The North American species, A.crassifolia Bas nom. prov., is similar to A.alboflavescens, but the former has thickerlamellae and common clamps (Bas, 1969). TheThai A. alboflavescens specimen is in poorcondition, and no clamps were observed.According to Yang’s observation of Chinesespecimens, A. alboflavescens has no clamps.Tulloss (2000) has expressed the viewthat some yellow-staining North Americanspecies belonging to sect. Lepidella areapparently specimens of non-yellowing taxathat have been infected by one or more patho-gens. Bas considered the possibility that A.crassifolia was an unusual specimen of A.subsolitaria (Murrill) Murrill; and Tulloss(2007f) now states this to be the case. Thissituation suggests that A. alboflavescens shouldbe investigated for the cause of its yellowingreaction. If the variability of spore width (and,consequently, of spore shape) reported in theabove description and these notes is supportedby examination of additional collections, thismay be further evidence of a nongenetic factor’shaving an effect on the basidiocarps of A.alboflavescens. Corner (1947) observed thatspore width of a given species is usually lessvariable than spore length of that species; and,based on Tulloss’ nearly 30 years of researchon the genus, this appears to be true inAmanita.Since the Thai material may not havetypical spores, for purposes of comparison, weprovided three other sources of data. In itsprotolog, the spores of the present species weredescribed as follows: ‘8-12 × 4.5-6.5 µm’ (esti-mated Q = 1.82). Yang (1997: 159) providesthe following data from a southwestern Chinesecollection: [33/1/1] (7.5-)8-10.5(-11.5) × (4.5-)5-6 µm [Q = (1.52-)1.58-1.91(-2.3), Q = 1.72 ±0.14]. Tulloss’ spore measurements from aChinese collection are as follows: [55/3/1](7.7-)8-10.3(-11) × (3.6-)4-5.5(-6) µm [Q =(1.4-)1.62-2.24(-2.39), avg. Q per specimen =1.88-2, Q = 1.92 ± 0.21].Extralimital material examined: CHINA, YunnanProv., Lu Feng, 2 August 2002, D. Arora 02-149 (RET,SFSU).Amanita alboflavescens was originallydescribed from Japan. In addition to China, ithas been reported from Korea (Kim et al.,1993).Amanita hongoi Bas, Persoonia 5: 410 (1969).(Fig. 8)Basidiocarps medium to large. Pileus 5-8cm wide, convex to plano-convex; margin non-striate, appendiculate, brownish to dull yellow-ish over centre, paler toward margin (whitish topale brown), dry; volval remnants as conicwarts 1.5-4 mm high, 1.5-3.5 mm wide, whitishto dull yellowish to brownish, diminishing insize (with colour paler) towards margin.Lamellae free, close to crowded, white to cream,up to 2.5 cm broad; lamellulae attenuate. Stipe7-16 × 1-2 cm, with apex often brownish,floccose to squamulose, with base clavate-bulbous, 2.5-7.5 cm wide, sometimes splittinglongitudinally, dirty white to reddish, withconic volval warts on at least upper part ofbulbous base if not also on lower stipe andmore of bulb. Annulus fragile, with uppersurface white and radially striate, with lowersurface white to dirty white, verrucose. Contextwhite, unchanging, solid.Basidia 53-63 × 11-14 µm, clavate, 4-spored; sterigmata 4-7 µm long; basal septawithout clamps. Basidiospores [123/4/2] 7-9 (-10) × (5.5- 6.5-7(-8) µm [Q = (1.06-) 1.12-1.25(-1.36), Q = 1.19 ± 0.07], subglobose tobroadly ellipsoid, rarely globose or ellipsoid,amyloid, colourless, hyaline, thin-walled,smooth.Habitat: Gregarious on ground in forestof Fagaceae.Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang MaiProv., Khun Chang Kian, 29 July 2002, Z.L. Yang, R.Sanmee, S. & P. Lumyong (CMU 45216) – Chiang Mai114Figs 8-10. Amanita species, habit illustrations; cross-sections not to scale. 8. A. hongoi, (CMU 45216). 9. A. fuliginea,(CMU 45215). 10. A. sinocitrina, (CMU 45230).Prov., 50 km S of Om Koi, ca. Lahu village, 11September 1999, D. Arora 99-280 (RET; SFSU).Notes: This species is somewhat similarto Amanita castanopsis Hongo. However, thebasidia of the latter have common clampconnections on their basal septa; and A.castanopsis has elongate spores (Hongo, 1974;Yang, 1997; Yang and Doi, 1999).For comparative purposes, spore measure-ments from the protolog are provided: [20/1/1](7-)8-10(-11.5) × 7-9(-10) µm [Q = 1-1.2, Q =1.1].Amanita hongoi was originally describedfrom Japan. It has been reported from Koreaand China (Kim et al., 1993; Yang, 2005)Amanita japonica Hongo ex Bas, Persoonia 5:399 (1969).Because of lack of data on the singlecollection obtained in the region of study, thefollowing macroscopic description is excerptedfrom the monograph of Bas (1969).Basidiocarps ‘medium-sized, slender’.Pileus ‘55-80 mm wide, convex then plane,with appendiculate, non-sulcate margin, dry, atfirst moderately dark grey to pale buffy grey[‘drab-grey’ to ‘light drab’ of Ridgway(1912)], felted-subflocculose, rather densely setwith somewhat paler, floccose-felted, subpyra-midal, adnate warts, up to about 2 mm wideand 1.5 mm high; later coloured surface of capbreaking up into vaguely delimited, thin patchesbetween which whitish flesh showing, in whichcase every pale wart situated at centre of aminutely radially fibrillose, practically circular,darker grey spot; warts and spots diminishingin size and less distinct towards margin’.Lamellae ‘close to subdistant, nearly free,sometimes with slight decurrent teeth, ratherbroad, 7-8 mm broad, subventricose, white,with subflocculose edge’; lamellulae ‘subtrun-cate to attenuate’. Stipe 80-170 × 7-15 mm,115attenuate upward, with fusiform-rooting tosubclavate base up to 25 mm wide, solid,white, floccose, with flocculose-pulverulent tosmall, vague, scale-like, pale buffy grey (‘lightdrab’ of Ridgway) remnants of volva on lowerhalf, with fugacious floccose-fibrilloseremnants of white ring at top. Flesh soft. Tasteand smell indistinct’.Basidia bearing clamps. Basidiospores[23/1/1] 8-9(-11.5) × (4.5-)5.5-6.5(-7.5) µm [Q= 1.34-1.64(-2), Q = 1.52 ± 0.14], colourless,hyaline, thin-walled, smooth, amyloid, ellipsoidto elongate; apiculus sublateral; contentsgranular to guttulate.Habitat: On ground under Quercus andDipterocarpaceae.Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang MaiProv., Om Koi, 1999 D. Arora s.n. (RET; SFSU).Notes: The single specimen available isnot in good condition, and the spore size andvalue of Q are probably somewhat depressedbecause of its condition prior to, or during,drying. Nevertheless, clamps were not difficultto find in the stipe context. Among Asian taxa,A. japonica is most similar to A. miculifera Bas& Hatan. (Bas & Hatanaka, 1984) and A.griseoverrucosa Zhu L. Yang. According toYang (1997), A. miculifera differs from A.japonica in having a conic to flattened-conicpileus with volval remains in the form offriable warts, a stipe with a notably radicatingbasal bulb, larger spores, and a disorderedmicroscopic structure in volval remnants. Itsauthors placed A. miculifera in Bas’ stirpsVirgineoides, not with A. japonica in Bas’stirps Solitaria. Amanita griseoverrucosa has amuch less strongly rooting bulb, lightercoloured volval remnants on the pileus, and noclamps (Yang, 2004). Amanita eijii Zhu L.Yang (2002a) is a recently described species ofstirps Solitaria that should be compared withthe present species. Yang’s species is distin-guished among other things by its often largerbasidiocarp, becoming pinkish to brownish inpart after in situ aging or cutting, an annulusthat is membranous or submembranous andsometimes persistent with fibrils largely freefrom the undersurface attaching that surface tothe stipe, distinctly reflexed scales (with volvalmaterial on their tips) arranged in incompleteor complete rings on the lower portion of thestipe and the upper part of its bulb, and slightlylonger and significantly broader spores with Q= 1.36 ± 0.08.Spore measurements from southwesternChinese material of A. japonica (Yang, 1997)are provided for purposes of comparison:[70/2/2] (7.5-)8.5-10.5× (5-)5.5-7 µm [Q =(1.31-)1.36-1.67(-1.81), Q = 1.52 ± 0.1].Amanita japonica was originallydescribed from Japan.Amanita sculpta Corner & Bas, Persoonia 2:255 (1962).Basidiocarps large to very large, takingon a dark wine colour when dried. Pileus 10-22cm wide, convex to plane, margin non-striate,appendiculate, reddish brown, decorated withchocolate brown, 6-13 mm high, 6-12 mmwide, conic warts; mature cap margin upturned,warts easily breaking off. Lamellae free,crowded, white when young, turning pinkish toviolet when mature, up to 2 cm broad; lamel-lulae truncate. Stipe 28-35 × 2.5-4 cm, equalwith bulbous base, 5.5-6.5 cm wide, reddishbrown, fibrillose, floccose to squamulose, withsomewhat recurved squamulose warts aroundstipe base. Context solid, white, turning pinkishto purplish when cut or bruised. Spore printwhite.Lamella trama bilateral. Subhymenium40-48 µm thick, with 2-3 layers of subglobose,ovoid, or doliform cells, 13-24 × 10-15 µm.Basidia 40-60 × 12-17 µm, clavate, 4-spored;sterigmata 4-7 (-9) µm long; basal septa with-out clamps. Basidiospores [30/1/1] (8-)9-11(-11.5) × (8-)9-10.5(-11) µm [Q = 1-1.04(-1.08),Q = 1.02 ± 0.02], globose to subglobose,amyloid, colourless, hyaline, thin-walled,smooth; apiculus small. Volval remnants onpileus comprising inflated cells, subglobose,ovoid, ellipsoid to pyriform, 24-130 × 16-80µm, thin-walled, colourless, or sometimes withyellow-brown content; filamentous hyphaefairly abundant, 2.5-8(-12) µm wide; vascularhyphae rare, ca. 4 µm wide.Habitat: Solitary on ground in forest ofFagaceae.Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang MaiProv., DSPNP-Huay Kog Ma, 30 July 1999, S. & P.Lumyong, R. Sanmee (CMU 0031) – Chiang Mai Prov.,DSPNP-Quinine Garden, 9 July 2002, Z.L. Yang & R.Sanmee (CMU 45160) – Nakohn Panom Prov., loc. unkn.,in market, July 1999, D. Arora 99-185 (RET; SFSU).116Notes: This species has a thick, submem-branous, floccose-arachnoid, disrupting, paledingy vinaceous ring (Corner and Bas, 1962).Annuli of the specimens cited above werefugacious. This species is similar to the NorthAmerican A. westii (Murrill) Murrill as notedby Bas (1969) and Tulloss and Lewis (1994).For purposes of comparison, sporemeasurements from southwestern Chinesematerial (Yang, 1997) are provided: [70/2/2](7.5-)8-11(-15.5) × (7.5-)8-10.5(-14.5) µm [Q= 1-1.1(-1.13), Q = 1.05 ± 0.03].Amanita sculpta was originally describedfrom North Borneo and Singapore.Amanita virgineoides Bas, Persoonia 5: 435(1969).Basidiocarps medium to large. Pileus 7-13.5 cm wide, convex to plane, margin non-striate, appendiculate, white, densely coveredwith white conic to subconic warts, 1-3 mmhigh, easily removed when touched. Lamellaefree, white, crowded, 10 lamellae/cm, approx.0.9 cm broad; lamellulae attenuate. Stipe 14-19× 1.5-2 cm, equal with bulbous base 4-4.5 cmwide, white, covered with white squamules.Context white, solid. Annulus white, membran-ous, descending, fragile, soon falling to pieces.Spore print white.Lamella trama bilateral. Subhymenium 2-3 layers of subglobose, ellipsoid, cuneiform tobroadly pyriform cells, 8-22 × 6-15 µm.Basidia 32-48 × 9.5-12 µm, clavate, 4-spored;sterigmata 3-5 µm long; basal septa often withclamps. Basidiospores [30/1/1] (7.5-)8-9 × (5-)6-7 µm [Q = (1.11-)1.25-1.47(-1.69), Q = 1.35± 0.11], broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid,infrequently subglobose, amyloid, colourless,sometimes guttulate, hyaline, thin-walled,smooth. Volval remnants on pileus comprisingirregularly arranged elements: inflated cellsfairly abundant to abundant, ellipsoid tosubglobose, 16-48 × 13-36 µm, thin-walled,colourless, filamentous hyphae, 3-6 µm wide.Habitat: Solitary or gregarious. Terres-trial in forest of Fagaceae.Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang MaiProv., DSPNP-Quinine Garden, 6 June 2002, R. Sanmee,R. Kodsueb, W. Chittrong & W. Bhilabut (CMU 4502).Notes: The present species is somewhatsimilar to A. eijii, however the pinkish stainingof lamellae and trama of the latter are not seenin A. virgineoides. Moreover, A. eijii has largerspores (Yang, 2002a). See notes under A.japonica, above.Data from a larger sampling of spores(Yang, 1997) based on southwestern Chinesematerial is provided for comparison: [160/7/6](7.5-)8-10(-11.5) × (5.5-)6-7.5(-8.5) µm [Q =(1.07-)1.18-1.5(-1.67), Q = 1.34 ± 0.11].Amanita virgineoides was originallydescribed from Japan. It has been reportedfrom Korea (Kim et al., 1993).Amanita section Phalloideae (Fr.) Quél.Amanita fuliginea Hongo, The Journal ofJapanese Botany 28: 69 (1953). (Fig. 9)Basidiocarps medium-sized. Pileus 3-4cm wide, umbonate-convex to plane, marginnon-striate, non-appendiculate, dark brown toblackish over umbo, paler toward margin,appearing innately fibrillose, with broad lowumbo, glabrous. Lamellae free, white, 0.4 cmbroad, subcrowded; lamellulae attenuate. Stipe7 × 0.5 cm, equal, slightly tapering upward,apex slightly expanded, dirty white, decoratedwith grey or brownish grey fibrils or squamules,subbulbous at base, approx. 1 cm wide, solid;context white. Annulus grey, apical, membra-nous. Volva limbate, white, membranous, 1.5cm from bottom of bulb to upper edge of limb.Basidia 31-35 × 11-15 µm, clavate, 4-spored; sterigmata 4-5.5 µm long; basal septawithout clamps. Basidiospores [30/1/1] 7-8.5(-10) × (6.5-)7-8(-9.5) µm [Q = 1-1.06 (1.11), Q= 1.04 ± 0.04], globose to subglobose, amy-loid, colourless, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth.Habitat: Solitary on ground in forest ofFagaceae.Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang MaiProv., Khun Chang Kian, 29 July 2002, P. Lumyong(CMU 45215).Notes: This mushroom is similar to A.elephas Corner & Bas, but the latter has awhite ring and smaller subglobose to broadlyellipsoid spores (Corner and Bas, 1962).Concerning A. fuliginea, Yang (2007c)writes, “This species is deadly poisonous. Manydisasters have happened in central China in thelast few years due to people's eating this mush-room.”Spore measurements from southwesternChinese material (Yang, 1997) are supplied forcomparative purposes: [30/1/1] (7.5-)8-10 (-11)× (6.5-)7-9.5 (-10) µm [Q = 1-1.13(-1.21), Q =1171.07 ± 0.05].Amanita fuliginea was originally descri-bed from Japan.Amanita manginiana sensu W.F. Chiu, ScienceReports of National Tsing Hua University, SeriesB, Biological & Psychological Sciences 3: 166(1948).Basidiocarps medium-sized to large.Pileus 9-13 cm wide, convex to plane, greyishbrown, appearing innately fibrillose, glabrous,subviscid; margin smooth, non-striate, non-appendiculate. Lamellae free, cream, crowded,averaging 9 per cm; lamellulae attenuate. Stipe12-13.5 × 2-2.5 cm, white, slightly taperingupward; context white, solid. Annulus white,apical, membranous, fragile, soon falling topieces. Volva 5-6 × 3-4 cm, limbate, membra-nous, white.Basidia 29-36 × 8-11 µm, clavate, 4-spored; sterigmata 3.5-4.5 µm long; basal septawithout clamps. Basidiospores [30/1/1] (5.5-)6-7 × 5-6(-7) µm [Q = 1-1.2 (-1.5), Q = 1.16 ±0.13], globose, subglobose, broadly ellipsoid,sometimes ellipsoid, amyloid, colourless, hya-line, thin-walled, smooth.Habitat: Solitary on ground in forest ofFagaceae.Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang MaiProv., Khun Chang-Kian, 11 June 2002, R. Sanmee(CMU 4530).Notes: Amanita manginiana sensu W.F.Chiu is an edible species known in China(Yang, 1997), but until now unknown inThailand. According to the original descriptionof Hariot and Patouillard (1914) and thecoloured illustrations published by Gilbert(1941), A. manginiana Har. & Pat. differs fromA. manginiana sensu W.F. Chiu by itscastaneous brown pileus with castaneousbrown fimbriate pileal margin, and a brownishlimbate volva on the stipe’s bulb (Yang, 1997).For comparative purposes, spore measure-ments from southwestern Chinese material(Yang, 1997) are provided: [200/9/5] (5.5-)6-8(-9) × (4.5-)5-7 (-7.5) µm [Q = (1-)1.07-1.3(-1.44), Q = 1.20 ± 0.07].The current species was reported previ-ously from China and Japan (Yang and Doi,1999; Yang, 2005).Amanita pseudoporphyria Hongo, The Journalof Japanese Botany 32: 141 (1957).Basidiocarps medium-sized to large.Pileus 5-10 cm wide, grey to pale grey or palegreyish brown, pigment more concentratedover disc in older material, smooth, withmargin nonstriate and sometimes bearingfragments of annulus. Lamellae white, adnexed,sometimes yellowish in age; lamellulae plentiful,of diverse lengths, unevenly distributed, round-ed truncate to subtruncate (with narrow toothalong pileus context) to attenuate. Stipe 10-20× 1-1.6 cm, white, cylindric; context white,stuffed; bulb subfusiform, white. Annulus verythin, membranous, skirt-like, apical, withfloccose underside occasionally separable.Volva thin, white, limbate, with distance frombottom of bulb to top of limb 1.9-5 cm.Basidia 4-sterigmate; basal septa withoutclamps. Basidiospores [40/2/2] (5-)7-8(-9) ×(4-)5-6(-7) µm [Q = 1.19-1.62(-1.88), Q = 1.35± 0.13], broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid, rarelyelongate, colourless, hyaline, thin-walled,smooth, amyloid; apiculus cylindric; contentsguttulate.Habitat: On ground in forest of Diptero-carpaceae; in one case, with forest dominatedby young trees.Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang MaiProv., Hang Dong, 20 August 1995, D. Arora s.n. (RET;SFSU) – Sakhon Nakhon Prov., Poo Pan, August 1998,D. Arora 98-43 (RET; SFSU).Notes: Bhatt et al. (2003) proposed thatA. indica R.P. Bhatt, Locq. & T.N. Lakh.(Kumar et al., 1990) is a synonym of thepresent species. The species is eaten in the Thaiprovinces from which material is reported.Arora (pers. comm.) reports market names forthis species that he transliterated as ‘hed mahnung’, ‘hed man’, and ‘hed lai’.For comparative purposes, spore measure-ments from plentiful southwestern Chinesematerial (Yang, 1997) are provided: [405/16/12](6-)7-9(-10.5) × (4.5-)5-6.5(-7.5) µm [Q =(1.09-)1.21-1.58(-1.8), Q = 1.39 ± 0.11].Amanita pseudoporphyria was originallydescribed from Japan. In addition to China(Yang, 1997; 2005), this species has beenreported from northern India (Bhatt et al.,2003) and Korea (Kim et al., 1993).Amanita section Validae (Fr.) Quél.Amanita flavipes S. Imai sensu lato, BotanicalMagazine (Tokyo) 47: 428 (1933).Basidiocarps small to medium-sized.118Pileus 3.5-5.5 cm wide, umbonate-convex toplane, olivaceous buff to honey-yellow, palertoward margin, non-striate, non-appendiculate,volval remnants as floccose patches, yellow,diminishing toward margin. Lamellae white tocream, free, subcrowded, 12-13 lamellae/cm;lamellulae attenuate. Stipe 6-7 × 1.5-2 cm,yellowish, slightly tapering upward, floccose,bulbous at base, 1.2-1.3 cm wide, upper part ofbulb sometimes decorated with yellowish,floccose patches or occasionally with yellowish,floccose ring; context white to whitish, hollow.Annulus yellowish, median, sometimes ascen-ding, membranous, thin, persistent.Basidia 30-40 × 11-12 µm, clavate, 4-spored; sterigmata 3-5 µm long; basal septawithout clamps. Basidiospores [90/3/2] (6.5-)7-8(-9) × (5-)5.5-7(-8) µm [Q = 1.06-1.38 (-1.47),Q = 1.2 ± 0.09], subglobose to broadlyellipsoid, sometimes ellipsoid, amyloid, colour-less, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth.Habitat: Subgregarious on ground inforest of Fagaceae.Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang MaiProv., DSPNP-Sun Gu, 11 June 2002, S. & P. Lumyong,R. Sanmee (CMU 4529) – ibid., 3 July 2002, R. Sanmee(CMU 45111).Notes: Tulloss et al. (2001) proposed thatA. watlingii Ash. Kumar & T.N. Lakh. is ataxonomic synonym of A. flavipes.Comparative spore measurements arefound in two recent papers. Spores from south-western Chinese material come from (Yang,1997): [210/8/6] (6.5-)7-9(-10) × (5-)5.5-7 (-8.5) µm [Q = (1.06-)1.2-1.48(-1.56), Q = 1.31± 0.07]. Very similar spore measurements fromIndian and Pakistani material can be found inTulloss et al. (2001).This species has been reported to haveone of the most extended ranges known for anAsian Amanita species—extending from Japan(protolog) and Korea in the northeast andThailand in the south to northwestern Pakistanin the west (Kim et al., 1993; Yang, 1997;Tulloss et al., 2001; Tulloss, 2005). This rangedescription may need to be revised becauseZhang et al. (2004) reported the presence ofgenetically and morphologically distinguish-able taxa within A. flavipes sensu lato.Amanita fritillaria (Berk.) Sacc., SyllogeFungorum 9: 2 (1891).Basidiocarps medium-sized. Pileus 6-9.5cm wide, convex to plane, greyish brown;margin non-striate, non-appendiculate; volvalremnants as floccose patches, dark brown tofuscous, diminishing in size and frequencytoward margin. Lamellae free, crowded, approx.17-21 lamellae/cm, white; lamellulae attenuate.Stipe 7-12.5 × 0.5-1.5 cm, slightly taperingupward, paler brown, decorated with greyishbrown fibrils, subbulbous at base, 1.5-2 cmwide; upper part of bulb decorated withblackish brown, floccose warts in one or morerings; context white to whitish. Annulus greyishbrown, membranous, apical. Spore print white.Basidia 33-37 × 7-11 µm, clavate, 4-spored; sterigmata 3.5-4.5 µm long; basal septawithout clamps. Basidiospores [160/5/5] (6.5-)7-9(-10) × (5-)5.5-7(-8.5) µm [Q = 1.06-1.43(-1.56), Q = 1.22 ± 0.11], broadly ellipsoid,sometimes subglobose or ellipsoid, amyloid,colourless, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth.Habitat: Solitary or gregarious on groundin forests including Fagaceae, Dipterocarpa-ceae, and Pinus.Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang MaiProv., DSPNP-Huay Kog Ma, 30 July 1999, S. & P.Lumyong, R. Sanmee (CMU 0038) – ibid., 9 May 2000,S. & P. Lumyong, R. Sanmee (CMU 2050) – ChiangMai Prov., DSPNP-Quinine Garden, 6 June 2002, R.Sanmee (CMU 4503) – Chiang Mai Prov., Khun ChangKian, 14 June 2002, R. Sanmee & R. Kodsueb (CMU4562) – Chiang Mai Prov., Sanpathong, Mae Wang, 5October 2002, R. Sanmee, S. & P. Lumyong (CMU45270) – Phayao Prov., DLNP-Jampathong, 28 May2000, S. & P. Lumyong & students (CMU 2136).Notes: Yang (2004, 2005) regards Amanitaspissacea S. Imai (1933) as a synonym of A.fritillaria.For comparative purposes spore measure-ments from plentiful southwestern Chinesematerial (Yang, 1997) are provided: [395/23/17]7-9(-12) × 5.5-7(-8.4) µm, [Q = (1.03-)1.18-1.4(-1.54); Q = 1.28 ± 0.07].Amanita fritillaria was originallydescribed from northern India. In addition toChina, this rather common species has beenreported from Singapore (Corner and Bas,1962), Japan (e.g., as A. spissacea), and Korea(Kim et al., 1993, as A. spissacea).Amanita sinocitrina Zhu L. Yang, Zuo H.Chen & Z.G. Zhang, Mycotaxon 79: 275(2001). (Fig. 10)Basidiocarps medium-sized. Pileus 4-5cm wide, convex to plano-convex, greyishbrown, darker over disc, appearing innatelyfibrillose, with low umbo, becoming depressedat centre; margin non-striate, non-appendiculate;119context cream. Lamellae free, crowded, whiteto cream; lamellulae attenuate. Stipe 8-12 ×0.4-0.7 cm, dirty white, tapering upward, withapex slightly expanded, decorated with greyishbrown fibrils; marginate, bulbous base ca. 1-1.3 cm wide. Annulus dirty white, membra-nous.Lamella trama bilateral. Subhymeniumca. 20-40 µm thick, with 2-4 layers of globoseto subglobose, ellipsoid to pyriform cells, 7-38× 7-20 µm. Basidia 22-36 × 9-12 µm, clavate,4-spored; sterigmata 2.5-4(-5) µm long; basalsepta without clamps. Basidiospores [30/1/1](6.5-)7-8(-9) × 6.5-7.5(-8.5) µm [Q = 1-1.06 (-1.1), Q = 1.03 ± 0.03], globose to subglobose,amyloid, colourless, hyaline, thin-walled,smooth.Habitat: Solitary on ground in Casta-nopsis forest.Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang MaiProv., Khun Chang-Kian, 29 July 2002, Z.L. Yang &H.Y. He (CMU 45230).Notes: Amanita sinocitrina is rathersimilar to A. bulbosa var. citrina (Schaeff.)Gillet (≡ A. citrina (Schaeff.) Pers.). However,A. sinocitrina differs from A. bulbosa var.citrina by its differently coloured pileus withsomewhat darker coloured volval remnants,smaller basidia, and significantly smallerspores (Chen et al., 2001).Spore measurements from the protologare provided for comparative purposes:[135/6/5] (5.5-)6-7.5(-8) × (5-)5.5-7(-7.5) µm,[Q = 1-1.15(-1.2); Q = 1.08 ± 0.05].DiscussionA few words on Amanita poisoningsAmanita is important as a food source forlocal people in northern Thailand (Sanmee etal., 2003; Dell et al., 2005). At least six speciesare edible (A. chepangiana, A. hemibapha sensulato, A. princeps, A. manginiana sensu W.F.Chiu, A. pseudoporphyria and A. sinensis) andthree (A. princeps, A. chepangiana, and A.hemibapha sensu lato) are very common innorthern Thai markets during the wet season(July to September).On the other hand, one must have concernover ingestion of toxic species of Amanita inthe region of study. Care must be taken toavoid confusion of comestible and toxicspecies of Amanita when they are beingcollected in the wild for food. Each rainyseason in Thailand, there is a risk of consumingpoisonous mushrooms because, unlike in partsof Western Europe, there is no reliable systemfor the certification of fungal identification inrural or city markets.There are reports in newspapers each yearof poisonings: (a) Dr. Vivatth Koviriyakamon,Public Health of Loei Province, releasednumbers of victims of mushroom poisoning—60 people in 1999, 27 people in 2000 (onedeath) and 84 people in 2001 (Dailynews,Bangkok, June, 10 2002); (b) Dr. IttiphonSungkaeng, Public Health of YasothornProvince, warned people to be careful aboutcollecting wild mushrooms since in 2001 therewere three deaths in Ubonrachathanee Provincebecause of mistaken identification of a deadlyAmanita or ‘hed rangok hin’ in the locallanguage (Dailynews, Bangkok, July, 8 2003);(c) the Ministry of Public Health released thenumber of victims of life-threatening mush-room poisoning during January to July of 2003as 132 (7 deaths) (Dailynews, Bangkok,September, 10 2003). Mention of an additionalpoisoning can be found in the notes on A.chepangiana (Amanita sect. Caesareae), above.In spite of poisonings attributed to the genus,Amanita species remain popular table mush-rooms for people in northern Thailand.The single species containing amatoxinsthat was found in this study is A. fuliginea ofsect. Phalloideae. A number of toxic speciespreviously reported from Thailand were notfound during the present study: A. muscaria (L.: Fr.) Lam., A. pantherina (DC. : Fr.) Krombh.,A. phalloides (Fr. : Fr.) Link, A. verna and A.virosa (Fr.) Bertill. (Soytong, 1994; Rachabun-ditayasathan, 1996; Chansrikul, 1998; Chaiear etal., 1999). Recent studies in eastern andsouthern Asia (e.g., northern India, north-western Pakistan, and south-western China)have demonstrated that collections identified inthe past under the cited names weremisidentified (e.g., Yang, 1997, 2002; Yangand Doi, 1999; Yang and Lee, 2001; Bhatt etal., 2003). Hence, the Thai reports need re-examination.With regard to amatoxins, in the notes onA. chepangiana, above, we list a set of whitespecies of sect. Phalloideae from the groupcalled ‘destroying angels’ in English. Since the120listed species are present to the west and northof the study area, they may also occur in Thaiforests, particularly in association with speciesof Fagaceae or Pinaceae. Based on data fromIndia and China (Bhatt et al., 2003; Yang,2005) and using the same reasoning, the deadlypoisonous A. subjunquillea S. Imai (1933) (per-haps previously determined as ‘A. phalloides’)is likely to occur in Thailand.With regard to the Pantherine Syndrome(Benjamin, 1995) in Thai amanitas, A. subglo-bosa is one of the muscarioid taxa of sect.Amanita and should be suspected of harboringtoxins similar to those of A. muscaria and A.pantherina.With regard to the so-called ‘amino-acidpoisoning’ recently documented in species ofsect. Lepidella such as A. smithiana Bas(Tulloss and Lindgren, 1992; Pelizzari et al.,1994; Benjamin, 1995), all taxa in sect.Lepidella should be suspect unless there isconvincing ethnomycological and/ortoxicological evidence to the contrary. Thistype of poisoning can cause life-threateningshutdown of both the kidney and liver. At leastone species of sect. Amidella (A. proximaDumée) has been reported to cause seriouspoisonings in Europe (Neville and Poumarat,2001) with symptoms similar to those seen inA. smithiana intoxications.Sufficient evidence from other regions ofthe world suggest that species of sect. Validaeshould be suspected of containing a heat-labilehemolytic compound causing gastrointestinaldistress if eaten without cooking (e.g.,Benjamin, 1995). Commonly, populations thatregularly eat species of this section have a longethnomycological history that teaches themnever to eat their familiar species of sect.Validae raw.Inquiries among local people who lovingeating Amanita indicate that they will notrenounce eating this genus, so there is a needfor more public education concerning use ofAmanita as food.AcknowledgementsThis project was supported by the Royal GoldenJubilee Ph.D. Program. The authors are grateful to Dr.Zhu-Liang Yang (HKAS) and Dr. Dennis Desjardin(SFSU) for providing multiple, valued, pre-publicationreviews of this paper. The Thai authors are grateful forDr. Yang’s visit to Thailand and his useful interactionsduring that visit. The following are gratefully acknow-ledged for supporting loans from their respectiveinstitutions in support of Tulloss’ research and/or hostingTulloss at their respective institutions: Drs. Cornelis Bas(L), R.P. Bhatt (GUH), Bart Buyck (P), Richard Korf(CUP) and Amy Rossman (BPI). Mr. David Arora(California, USA) contributed duplicates of his ThaiAmanita collections to Tulloss, which gift is very muchappreciated. We are grateful to Mrs. Mary A. Tulloss(Roosevelt, NJ, USA) for assistance in final preparationof the manuscript. The first author is very grateful to thefollowing persons for their kind help: Dr. Kevin D. Hydeprovided much support in the program; Dr. YoshitoShimono provided literature; her friends and students inthe laboratory of Dr. Saisamorn Lumyong, provided helpin the field; above all, she appreciates the continuingencouragement and support of her parents.ReferencesBas, C. (1969). Morphology and subdivision of Amanitaand a monograph of its section Lepidella.Persoonia 5: 285-579.Bas, C. and Hatanaka, S.I. (1984). An undescribedspecies of Amanita section Lepidella from Japan.Persoonia 12: 321-325.Benjamin, D.R. (1995). Mushrooms. Poisons andPanaceas. W.H. Freeman, New York.Berkeley, M.J. and Broome, C.E. (1871 [‘1870?’]). 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Federation of European Micro-biological Societies. Microbiology Letters 252:223-228.... Habitat and known distribution: In small groups on the ground in lowland dipterocarp forest; known from Indonesia and Malaysia. Comments: Amanita javanica was originally described from Java (Boedijn 1951) and is widely reported in several Asian countries, including China (Yang 2005;Zhou and Zhang 2005), Japan (Imazeki and Hongo 1987;Oda et al. 1999), and Thailand (Chandrasrikul et al. 2008;Sanmee et al. 2008). However, unpublished data suggest that A. javanica has a considerably narrower distribution, and that collections from China and Japan represent an undescribed taxon, which is associated with pine forests (Pinus yunnanensis in China, P. densiflora in Japan). ...... Morphologically, several species are similar to A. javanica, including A. hemibapha, A. rubromarginata, and A. similis. Amanita hemibapha was first described from Ceylon (Berkeley and Broome 1870) and then reported from Japan (Imazeki and Hongo 1987;Oda et al. 1999), China (Yang 2005(Yang , 2015, India (Vrinda et al. 2005), and Thailand (Sanmee et al. 2008). Unpublished data confirm that apart from the type locality, A. hemibapha has a narrower distribution in southern India, southwest China, and Thailand. ...... Amanita princeps, described from Singapore, was reported from China and Thailand Yang 2005Yang , 2015Chandrasrikul et al. 2008;Sanmee et al. 2008). With the exception of the type locality and Malaysia, the occurrence of this species in China and Thailand needs to be confirmed. ...... Within this period, various groups of wild mushrooms grow in the forests and some villagers collect and consume them. Outbreaks of mushroom poisoning in the northern and northeastern areas of the country usually occur (Chaiear et al., 1999;Sanmee et al., 2008). The most common lethal wild mush-rooms inhabited are amanitas. ...... The genus Amanita Pers. is one of well-known mushroom genera in Basidiomycota which contains at least 500 described species worldwide (Cai et al., 2014). About 25 species were found in the northern part of Thailand (Sanmee et al., 2008). This genus was traditionally divided into seven sections, including Amanita, Amidella, Caesareae, Lepidella, Phalloideae, Vaginatae and Validae (Zhang et al., 2004). ...... However, Amanita obsita differs from Amanita farinosa by its greyish-brown pileus and globose to subglobose basidiospores 5.8-6.7 × 5.2-6.8 μm (Sanmee et al. 2008). Amanita nehuta G.S Ridley, originally described from New Zealand is also closely related to Amanita farinosa. ...... hemibapha (Berk. & Broome) Sacc., however the latter differs by its pileus often lacking an umbo (Berkeley & Broome 1871, Vrinda et al. 2005, Sanmee et al. 2008. Amanita hemibapha. ...... The gray-brown to dark gray pileus of A. fuligineoides also occurs in A. fuliginea, A. griseorosea, and A. subfuliginea [6]. Amanita fuliginea was originally described from Japan but is widely distributed in China and Thailand [3,4,32]. Amanita fuliginea and A. fuligineoides are very similar in morphological features. ...... Remarks: Amanita sepiacea has a remarkably large fruit body; the cap grew up to 100~150 mm and stipe rose up to 200 mm. This species is morphologically very similar to Amanita excelsa [13] and Amanita fritillaria [28]. However, A. sepiacea was distinguished in our study from A. excelsa and A. fritillaria by ITS and nLSU sequence analyses ( Fig. 1) [29,30]. ...