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Ki-no-ko fungi
7 juin 2018

Amanita rufoferruginea カバイロコナテングタケ

Amanita rufoferruginea Hongo 1966
Amanite poudrée fauve (カバイロコナテングタケ)


  • Basidiomycota / Homobasidiomycetes / Amanitales / Amanitaceae
  • Habitat : Sous feuillus ou Sous conifères : Au sol, solitaire ou épars, en été-début d'automne, assez rare, vient surtout en forêts mixtes de Pinus densiflora-Quercus serrata, au Japon (à l'ouest du Kantô, principalement Hiroshima, Kyôto et Shiga). Également signalée en Chine occidentale et en Corée du Sud.
  • Comestibilité Inconnue
  • Références bibliographiques : IH1 198 ; IOH p. 141 ; Mem. Shiga Univ. Vol.17 p. 27-28 (1967)
  • Commentaires : Recentrage des caractères sur la diagnose originale de Hongo, amendements de 1967 inclus, la description des récoltes chinoises étant trop disparate, d'où identité incertaine.

Amanita rufoferruginea Hongo in Journ. Jap. Bot.41:165.1966,
Cap 4.5・9 cm broad, hemispherical, becoming convex then expanded, slightly depressed in the center, more or less striate on the margin, in age grooved・striate or somewhat tuberculate-striate
, surface dry, fulvous or paler, densely covered with "xanthine orange" "Mars yellow","amber brown" or "antique brown", separable powders.

Flesh thin, white, taste and odor none.

Gills free, close, white, ventricose, 4-7 mm broad, minutely floccose on the edge, the shorter ones (lamellulae) truncate.

Stem 9・12 cm long,4-10mm thick at apex,13・20 mm at obovately bulbous or subfusiform base, attenuated upward, stuffed or hollow, annulate, densely covered with subconcolorous (brighter than ``ochraceous...tawny,,) powders or mealy particles above and below ring, at base with 3・5 powdery, pale brownish, evanescent, incomplete circles as remnants of volva.
Ring rather large, pendant at 1.5・2,5 cm from apex of stem, membranaceous, white and striate above, ochraceous・tawny and floccose一・powdery below,disappearing。

Spores hyaline under the microscope,'globose, 7・9 μ in dlam.,smooth, nonamyloid ; basidia four-spored ; marginal cells globose, elliptic or somewhat piriform, mostly 14・25 µ broad, thin-walled, very abundant and forming abroad sterile margin along gill・edge; powders on cap consisting of irregularly arranged short chains of globose to shortly ellipsoid,17・47 µ broad cells, with melleous sap, mixed with few narrow hyphae.

Hab. Single or scattered on the ground in Pinus densiflora - Quercus serrata forests, Iwakura, Kyoto・city, July 29, 1965 (no.3122, coll. N. Sagara);Aug.1,1965 (no.3124):Senj6, 0tsu・city,
July 11,1966 (no.3249, Coll. M. Endo): Terabe, Otsu-city, Aug.4,1966 (no.3270); Sept, 5, 1966(no.3304); Sept.13,1966 (no.3310):Shibahara, Otsu・city, Aug.'8,1966 (no.3273).

Distr. Endemic (Hiroshima, Kyoto,Shiga). 111.Hongo,1. c.166, f。1, d, e.

During the months of July, August and September of 1966, the writer fortunately met with this noteworthy Amanita in Ôtsu several times. The above modified description was made from the Otsu

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