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Ki-no-ko fungi
14 janvier 2021

春楡 Haru-niré « Orme printanier »

 Ulmus davidiana Planch. var. japonica (Rehder) Nakai

Ulmus campestris L. var. japonica Rehder
Ulmus davidiana fo. suberosa Nakai
Ulmus davidiana var. levigata (C. K. Schneid.) Nakai
Ulmus japonica (Rehder) Sarg.
Ulmus japonica var. levigata C. K. Schneid.
Ulmus propinqua Koidz.
Ulmus wilsoniana C. K. Schneid.
Ulmus wilsoniana var. psilophylla C.K. Schneid.






Alnus japonica and Ulmus Davidiana are the main constituents of Japanese swamp forests. Their presence in the forests are said to be arranged according to a gradient of humidity of the habitat from wet to mesic, with the intervening forest dominated by Fraxinus mandshurica var. japonica on less wet habitats.
In the present study, forest vegetation with their habitat conditions were surveyed intensively in a small tributary basin in a hilly area in Kawatabi, Miyagi Prefecture, in which a number of stands was found to be occupied by alder and elm forests (Figs. 1 and 2). The forest vegetation occurring on the valley floor were classified in terms of their species composition. Four communities were distinguished: Ulmus Davidiana community, Alnus japonica-Carex fulta comm., A. japonica-Sasa senanensis comm. and A. japonica-Miscanthus sinensis comm. The second community can be divided further into Filipendula kamtschatica type and Phragmites communis type (Table).
In addition to the humidity gradient, other essential differences were found in the landforms and subsurface materials between the habitat of alder and elm forests in this valley. Alnus japonica-Carex fulta community, which has a typical species composition and physiognomy of Japanese swampy alder forest, is found on a flood plain with standing water. While, Ulmus Davidiana community occurs on comparatively steep and rough mass movement deposits. The other communities occupy rather restricted areas.

引用文献 (14)
    • 浅野一男・林一六・平林国男・伊藤静夫・中山冽・清水建美・土田勝義 (1969): 菅平湿原の植物生態 I 植物社会 菅平研報 3 11-28
    • 半沢ら (1962): 1/20万宮城県地質図 内外地図
    • Kashimura, T., K. Ishizuka, K. Yoshioka, K. Sugawara and K. Saito (1965): Notes on the Vegatetion in and around Lake Usoriyama Ecol. Rev. 16 153-162
    • 加藤亮助 (1952): 北海道演習林の森林植生 東京大学農学部演習林報告 43 1-18
  • 宮城豊彦 (1976): 丘陵地内の崩壊地形 東北地理 28

Japanese Elm - Ulmus davidiana var. japonica
- Ulmaceae

it is an Asiatic Elm originating in Japan and parts of north-east Asia, apparently in swamp forests, it is now widely planted worldwide.  It can be variable in its ultimate size ranging from short multi-stemmed trees with a broad crown to tall narrow single trunked trees reminiscent of English Elms prior to the Dutch Elm Disease outbreak in the 1970s.Graphiosis !

Dark green alternate asymmetric obovate veined leaves 7.5-11.5cm (3-4.5in) long and 3.5-6.5cm (1.5-2.5in) wide with double toothed margins taper to a point at the tip (acuminate).  The bark is deeply fissured.  The leaves turn a yellow - golden colour later than other trees.  Preferring lighter soils they grow well on clay and are tolerant of mild waterlogged conditions.  Widely used in breeding programs researching hybrids and cultivars for resistance to Dutch Elm Disease.


ORME (de David), trad.litt. « ORME PRINTANIER »

 Ulmus davidiana

Arbre à feuillage caduc, 20-35 m. Régions montagneuses, souvent planté. Tronc droit. Couronne arrondie. Écorce gris-brun foncé, rugueuse, fissurée irrégulièrement sur la longueur. Jeunes rameaux pubescents. Feuilles alternes, dentées, rèches, de 3 à 12 cm, forme largement ovale, apex aigu, base du limbe asymétrique. Floraison avril-mai ; fleurs bisexuées, jaune-vert, sur les branches de l’année précédente, avant l’apparition des feuilles. Samares largement ovales, jaune-vert, de 1 cm de long, mûres en juin. Graines ailées de 5 à 6 mm.

Usage : ornemental, bois d’œuvre, lutherie, bois de chauffage.


P_DaisenLateFallMt. Daisen

Fagus-FogJapanese beech (Fagus crenata) forest on a foggy day

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