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Ki-no-ko fungi
25 octobre 2018

チヂレタケ Plicaturopsis crispa コウヤクタケ科チヂレタケ属

Plicaturopsis_crispa_1989_0119_mont_2Our findings from Hiroshima Préfecture (Japan)

     Hyménophore conforme (plis radiés ramifiés)  mais sa couleur devrait être "crème sale, touché de gris verdâtre" (in Marchand 332), ici est tachée de brun sale!!

Plicaturopsis crispa (Pers.) D.A. Reid 1964
チヂレタケ コウヤクタケ科 チヂレタケ属

 Plicaturopsis crispa IOH trimJapanese collection from Shiga Prefecture by M. IZAWA 1988

  • Basidiomycota / Homobasidiomycetes / Corticiales / Corticiaceae
  • Synonymes :Trogia c. ; Trombetta c. ; Plicatura c. ; Cantharellus crispus ; Merulius crispus ; Scytinotus crispus
  • Ecologie Sur feuillus.
  • Comestibilité Sans intérêt
  • Références bibliographiques Bon p. 323 ; BK 2 183 ; CD 65 ; Marchand 332 ; Eyssartier et Roux p. 1034 ;

    Plicaturopsis crispa produces clusters of small, fan-shaped fruiting bodies with wrinkled spore bearing layers that resemble vein-like folds. There is a general notion that this fungus has been expanding its original southern range over the last few decades with temperatures increasing globally. Plicaturopsis crispa is an effective decayer in the initial phase of decay colonizing predominantly dead branches of deciduous trees (Fagus and Betula) and is associated with a white rot. After a couple of years into the succession of wood degradation, strong competitors such as Trametes versicolor and the split-gill fungus Schizophyllum commune displace P. crispa cumulatively. The Amylocorticiales, the group containing P. crispa, is a recently described order of Agaricomycetes including mostly resupinate fungi with saprotrophic and sometimes biotrophic lifestyles. In addition, the Amylocorticiales including roughly 70 species is sister to the Agaricales (13,000 species). The genome of P. crispa will be the first to represent the Amylocorticiales. The characterization of the Plicaturopsis genome will be crucial for comparative studies concerning the evolution of decay strategies in both the Amylocorticiales and Agaricales, adding to the larger picture of identifying the essential enzymatic mechanisms that are needed to function successfully as a white-rot fungus.

Plicaturopsis crispa 1989 0113_montage

Thank you Gerhard Wölfel for pointing out the difference. This species was new to Japan when I collected these soaked specimens in 1989!!
They differ from my European collections, but variability of macro aspect seems acceptable within the Japanese collections. I did not check the micro characters, alas...

Plicaturopsis crispa Marchand 332

 Excellente planche et description d'André Marchand   Récolte des Pyrénées Orientales (France)

Depuis la création 150 948